Blogging · Me myself and I · Sharing

Introducing Me, Myself & Hygge…


No, not me.

K… Oh, K! you might say? No, not ok, just K.

K has started a new blog less than a month ago, and it is dedicated to hygge! And you know how I love hygge… That alone would have caught my attention, but K is also my 1000th follower, and as much as I try to stay away from stats, this is a milestone I just couldn’t ignore. (By the way… Muuuuuuaaah! to you 999 first Lovelies!!)

A while ago, I told myself I’d introduce the 1000th person who’d be kind enough to show his/her interest in The Cove! I’ll admit, I wondered what kind of blog I’d have to put forward, and I am excited about Me, Myself & Hygge for two reasons…

First, and obviously, because it is related to the Danish concept of hygge. So far, K has covered Christmas decorations, the importance of warming yourself next to the fireplace (and not burn down your house in the process – LOL), and some very hygge recipes! Her pictures are warm and give a welcoming touch to her blog, and it is a nice place to crash overall!

Second, K has only a handfull of followers so far (normal, the first post dates back to December 2nd) and I would loooove to encourage her by sending a few readers her way!!!

So, help sharing hygge, please pay her a visit, and tell her Cyranny sent you over 😉

Hello hygge-bees, Now that Christmas is somewhat over and we are all still sitting comfortable in our food comas, debating if we should live life as a hibernating squirrel and just sleep for the rest of winter, I feel like writing a short post about a small fail I recently had. In my quest to […]

via A Short Story about the Time I was almost an Arsonist – So Not Hygge — Me, Myself and Hygge


P.S. K, I am a total furry socks fan (like the ones in your intro!) and if you are crazy enough to send me your adress via my contact page, I’ll get you a pair and get it delivered to you 🙂 Here are my brand new Christmas Furry Socks (upside down deers on the picture, but you get it, right?) No, you’re not getting these ones, but I promise to choose yours wisely!


17 thoughts on “Introducing Me, Myself & Hygge…

    1. Thanks a lot 🙂 I never would have imagined, even in my wildest dreams, that I would get 1000 people to hit that “follow” button in a little over two years…. It is very heart warming 🙂


      1. Good job. I’ve been blogging since March and have a modest following of 231. Any suggestions on getting the following that you have?

        Liked by 1 person

      2. I think it really is a bit exponential… It took me a long while before I started to see new people subscribing on a regular basis. But I think the best way to get people’s attention is through Meets & Greets… You can visit Trina’s blog she asks bloggers to leave links to their blogs every Friday, and she reblogs them during the following week. I mingle a lot too… I think you are doing a good job. Just give yourself time… Patience is the key 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

  1. Aww why thank you very much Cyranny, this is very kind of you! I’m glad you like my blog so far! 🙂 Congratulations on hitting such a huge milestone! I cant even imagine hitting that number, well done! I am so excited to have a hygge buddy! Those socks looks amazing! (I am wearing snowflake ones as we speak!) I will follow up on the comment you left on my page shortly but I can see this being the start of a B-E-A-UUUTIFUL friendship 🙂 x

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you, Carolina 🙂 It is, indeed, a special milestone… A bit surreal, but very heartwarming !
      I wish all the best for the year to come, to you and your loved ones 🙂 🙂 🙂 xx

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, Suze 🙂 I really like my new deer socks, they give the Footsies a very Christmassy look!

      I’m glad people are migrating to your alternate blog… It would be a shame for them to miss out on your blogging!

      Has the temperature gone up a little for you? Here, it keeps dropping, and I am wondering if Mother Nature is sucking all the cold available around the globe to stock it here… *Brrrrrrr*


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