


Sometimes, it only takes a simple question to provoke thoughts and conversations. I didn’t invent this type of daily prompts, in fact, I did borrow the idea from the blog, Dream Big Dream Often. Since Danny has not been posting his question as of lately, I decided to offer my readers a chance to interact and discuss about all kinds of subjects, through my Quickies.

I’ll be listing all the questions published daily. This way, you can scroll through and choose anyone that speaks to you and join the conversation, or leave your opinion. There’s no ”being too late” and you’re welcome to add your point at any time.

Just click, if a question inspires you, and let us know what you think about it!




We all have guilty pleasures… Stuff we enjoy, but prefer not to tell others that we do. What’s your guilty pleasure?


If the government offered to suspend all laws, and law enforcement for 24 hours, letting you (and everybody else) do whatever you wish… Would you be in favor of it, or not?


Are you more of a ”Black & White” or ”Fifty Shades of Gray” (no… not the kinky way! LOL) kind of person?


If you had to give up four of your five senses, which one would you want to keep? (if you already are living without one, you may choose to gain that sense back)


In Ray Bradbury’s famous Farenheit 451, the rebels become a litterary masterpiece by picking their favorite book and learning it by heart to someday perpetuate its memory when reading is no longer forbidden. What book would you like to be?


Would you rather forget every souvenir about your past, and only remember your life starting today, or keeping all your old memories, and not being able to keep any new experience you make in the future?


We all know at least one blogger who writes beautifully, is hilarious, thought provoking or brings people together like no other… Yet, they don’t seem to get the exposure or the feedback they’d deserve. It’s name dropping time! Who would you like us to know? And why?


This one’s inspired by my parents true and long lasting love. If you could choose, would you prefer to go before your better half, or outlive him or her?


What is one thing people think about your home country, that is a total misconception?


I am sending you a free ticket to anywhere in the world today… Where are you going?


What skill or talent would you like to master overnight? Would you want to make money out of it, or just enjoy being good at it?


What is the craziest thing you’ve ever done, in the name of Love?


What’s a song that inevitably makes you cry? Why, if I may ask?


What 5 adjectives describe you the best?


If your apartment or house caught on fire, what would you try to save on your way out?


If you could get a phone call from a lost loved one, alive or dead… Who would that be?


Are you more of a saver or a spender?


Would you rather cook or order out for your guests?


Could you perjure yourself to save a loved one?


Have you ever traveled solo? If so, what did you enjoy most about it?


Who, dead or alive, would you like to have as a mentor?


Do you celebrate Easter? If so, what do you do this weekend to celebrate it?


I think we all checked out at least one blog, just because the blogger’s original name caught our attention… Please name one?


What would you like to try, but wouldn’t want to get stuck with, afterwards?


What brings you to The Cove? Is it more my poetry, fiction, pictures, life anecdotes, Danish ramblings, or anything else you can find here? I am curious…
