Blogging · Freja · Me myself and I · Thoughts

My crazy brains…

This is going to be a short one.

Anyone living with a cat knows that housing a feline means a number of things, and among them, extra cleaning around the house. Cats leave hairs e-v-e-r-y-w-h-e-r-e (unless you’ve settled for a sphinx) and are experts at carrying litterbox sand in places you didn’t even dare to think they could!

And every once in a while, cats loose a whisker.

And every once in a while, I find said lost behind whisker. And I keep it.


Why?? Why the heck don’t I just throw them away? It is not as if I could eventually do something with them… Like give them to a poor whisker-less kitten, or sell them to a crazy whisker collector. Still, Everytime I find one, I put it on my coffee table with the others…



Please reassure me. There has to be at least one other person in The Cove, that has a strange collecting habit like this!

Do you?


19 thoughts on “My crazy brains…

  1. I did the same with my first cat, Cyranny 😀
    I had it, while I lived at home with my mother and loved it so much, that I thought to keep them as a dear memory. Many years later, I did throw them out, they wouldn’t bring my cat back and I still had the memories about her.

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    1. *Sigh of relief* Thank you Irene 🙂

      I was picking one from the floor this morning, when I noticed I had been doing this for a long while, almost uncounciously. I had many cats in my life, and I don’t remember doing this with any of the others 😛 I’ll probably end up throwing them away too, but for the moment, I just keep them there…

      Maybe I could get the Guiness record for the largest collection of whiskers one day! LOL

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    1. After replying to Irene, I considered going for a Guiness record, thinking there probably was no one crazy enough to actually “collect” whiskers. Think again, me! The world record holder is actually here in Montréal, and the guy has 701 of them to this day…. Ughhh 😛


      1. Wise point! LOL If he starts doubting the Tooth Fairy, then Santa will be next, and the Easter Bunny too…. You wouldn’t want to spoil childhood magic just yet 😉

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