Blogging · challenge · Fiction

Surprise! – FFFC

. The weather’s perfect! And the view is breath-taking… Bent over her open notebook, Sarah pressed her cellphone to her ear. Even if she was about to turn thirty, her mother still looked after her closely whenever she dared leaving town. It was silly, really. Because they didn’t even live in the same city, and…… Continue reading Surprise! – FFFC

Blogging · challenge · Fiction

She’s a little runaway… – FFFC

. The train station was empty and her high heels resonated eerily on the freshly rain-washed concrete. She was a bit ahead of schedule, but who could have blamed her? A new life awaited her, and she was eager to leave town, to wherever her feet would lead her. People usually feared the unknown. She…… Continue reading She’s a little runaway… – FFFC

Blogging · challenge · Fiction

Break up… – FFFC

. Anna was perplex… Standing on the apartment’s doorstep, looking for the keys in her purse, she could hear bursts of laughter coming from inside. Tiptoeing, she entered the flat. Are you ok, Sweetie? When Anna had left, just hours earlier, Chrissy was devastated. Her boyfriend of the last five years had broken up after…… Continue reading Break up… – FFFC

Blogging · challenge · Fiction

Rock the Net… – FFFC

. I really enjoy these Interwebs classes, though I must say, I don’t get it all just yet… Thomas was sitting in the senior home’s garden with his grand-mother, discussing said new classes. It had taken a long time before she had agreed to take them, insisting that she was just too old for all…… Continue reading Rock the Net… – FFFC

Blogging · challenge · Denmark · Fiction

Take me to church… – FFFC

. When she pushed the tall and heavy wooden door open, the first thing that she noticed was the aerial organ music coming from above her head. She hesitated for a moment. There was not a soul in sight, not a single believer sitting in one of the dozens of benches neatly aligned in the…… Continue reading Take me to church… – FFFC

Blogging · challenge · Fiction

Junior… – FFFC

. Considering the thousand things he would have rather been doing, Doug opened his notebook, and went through the bits and pieces of information gathered along his thorough yet completely futile investigation. He did love his job, but his editor had always had something against him starting the very day he got hired. Doug had…… Continue reading Junior… – FFFC

Blogging · challenge · Fiction

Don’t disappoint me… – FFFC

. Let me get us more of these delicious tappas… The elegant lady waved her flashy ringed hand in the air to get one of the waiters’ attention. Beth wasn’t used to this level of luxury. The Spanish restaurant/bar had a false casual vibe to it, and it looked like the rich kids at the…… Continue reading Don’t disappoint me… – FFFC

Blogging · challenge · Denmark · Fiction

Øresundsbroen… – FFFC

. Quite a view, wouldn’t you say, Miss Cornell? She silently nodded. He had no idea… The man excused himself for a moment, and left her to wait by the window. Judith’s gaze just floated over the bay. The greyness of the scenery gave it a painted feeling. The moment she had passed Mr Bettwood’s…… Continue reading Øresundsbroen… – FFFC

Blogging · challenge · Fiction

Comeback… – FFFC

. When she stepped into the bar, she suddenly understood why the doorman had insisted on checking her ID. At first, she had found it quite flattering, considering that she was well beyond her twenty first birthday. But looking at the crowd already waiting inside, she remembered that she wasn’t exactly part of the target…… Continue reading Comeback… – FFFC

Blogging · challenge · Fiction

Blown kisses… – FFFC

. Dear Josh, It has been a while, hasn’t it? I bet you weren’t expecting news from me anymore… Especially after parting ways in such abrupt ways. Maybe I should appologize for that, but I’m not big on excuses. At least, not anymore. Life is good here. I wish I could send you pictures, but…… Continue reading Blown kisses… – FFFC