Blogging · book · Sharing

Nombril de semaine…

  Hello Lovelies! It is Wednesday already, and the time to share some links with you… Dee, from Thriving not Surviving gave me an idea, without even knowing it! Dee is releasing her first book, on April 28th (yes, this Saturday) and was asking people to share the news, since pre-order is already available on…… Continue reading Nombril de semaine…

Blogging · Me myself and I · Thoughts

So, what’s up?

  Good evening Lovelies, Just a short note, not that I feel it is necessary. But since I am pretty quiet, I wanted to let those who could be wondering (thank you for the concern, if you did), know that I am doing ok. I am just still caught in real life’s tribulations. I’m not…… Continue reading So, what’s up?

Blogging · Denmark · Me myself and I · Travel

Random Danish memories…

  I love being close to water. Lakes, rivers… and of course, being close to the sea. That’s one of the things I love about Denmark. You are never far from water. Even when you drive inland, you’re never more than an hour or two, away from the coast. This picture was taken along Grenen,…… Continue reading Random Danish memories…

Blogging · challenge · Fiction · short

The Doll – #1MinFiction

-It is absolutely perfect! Turning the doll over in her hands, she was amazed by the details. She’d had some doubts, but it was well worth the price. And the wait. The doll maker turned to her… -Do you have that lock of hair, we talked about? She handed it over the counter. -He is so…… Continue reading The Doll – #1MinFiction

After Eight Moment · Blogging · nature

After Eight Moments…

The first Spring meal…     Dear Lovelies… Just a short note to mention that this is (already) my 200th After Eight Moment! Which is pretty amazing, since at the very beginning, I doubted the new project would last a whole week. Looking for the beauty in little things is becoming a reflex again, and…… Continue reading After Eight Moments…

Blogging · Canada · funny · Sharing

A little chat with Miss A – Oh Canada!

Happy Monday, Lovelies! Miss A, from The Hej Hej Blog has started a series of posts, where she asks bloggers from around the world to give her readers a little insight about their home country. I had the honor of being designated Canada’s official ambassador, and I filled my duties with the most seriousness (almost).…… Continue reading A little chat with Miss A – Oh Canada!

Blogging · Sharing

Welcome to Sunday Social @ Rachel’s

It is Meet & Greet time at Rachel’s! Come mingle a bit… Share the link to your blog and discover new writers! Sunday Social is a place to mingle, collaborate, and share our blogs. Sunday Social is one more place where you can share a post that maybe didn’t get as much feedback as you…… Continue reading Welcome to Sunday Social @ Rachel’s

Blogging · Me myself and I · Thoughts

Who am I?

  Who, really? And who cares? People play games, or pretend to be so very absolutely transparent… As if. We all have our secret garden. More or less. We lay out what we choose to, giving our memories, our pain, our fantasies, our dreams. We share, we take from others, get inspired, envious, frustrated. We…… Continue reading Who am I?