Blogging · Me myself and I · Thoughts

Merci, merci, merci!!


Hello Lovelies,

This will be short. (I know, I know… I always say that, and it’s never really short in the end… But this time, it will be!)

Seventh of an eight days stretch at work, and we received some exciting news, just this afternoon. One of my (fewer and fewer) co-workers will go through surgery next Tuesday, and be off from work for a month. At least.


Bitter Ben… If you don’t grant me with a “like” for this post, I’ll unfollow you! No I won’t. But I do have a lot of bitterness in my heart right now, and I hope you’ll enjoy that! Someone has to!

But!….  (There’s always… ok, you know the song)

I found this in the mail this morning, as I was leaving home to come to work!




Trina sent me a lovely “thank you” note by mail, and it got to me just in time to make my day!!  And inside the envelope, was also a wonderful drawing from Monkey, her son. (Well, I hope it was from Monkey… maybe I am wrong… If so, well… hmmm very well done, Trina!!  *cough cough*) Muuuuuuuah! Monkey!! I’m so bringing you to Legoland Billund when I get ridiculously rich!! And it made my eyes tear up.

What a nice surprise!! (Ok, you guys can’t see most of the letter, or the envelope, but there was super confidential information there, and you wouldn’t want snippers to show up at your door, right??)

So a big, big, big, warm THANK YOU!!!!!!!

And the stamp, made me smile too…


A frog… do you get it??  Hint… French… Frog…


Plus… on the good side of things, (I am such a “glass half full” girl!!) WordPress has presented me with yet another absurd milestone… Probably knowing that these really make me smile.

Hey!! Why celebrate 1250 readers, when you can wait and celebrate 1337??? So yeah, thank you, WordPress for the delicate gesture… I appreciate it. A lot!


2018-04-26 19_42_36-Cyranny's Cove – Refuge of an assumed danophile…


And most of all…. Thank YOU. Yeah, you, you, you and you….

You people who follow all my silly ramblings. Who take time to stop by, and have a chat, and share, and mingle… All you Lovelies…


Thank you!


Ok. It wasn’t soooooo short! You win!

46 thoughts on “Merci, merci, merci!!

    1. Bibibibibibibibibibibibibibibffff, YOU rock… in fact you also jazz, pop punk, rap and hip-hop!! 🙂 To sum up, you totally rule! And I do appreciate that my favorite big brother is the first to send me his congrats 🙂


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  1. 1337 is upside down for “Leet” which is some nerdy internet thing. And yes, I am embarrassed that I know that.

    And wow… I am a “glass totally empty” girl… how do I not annoy the crap out of you?? 🙂

    Sorry about the work situation… but I’m glad you got a surprise in the mail. That is the best thing. A friend sent me something once and I was so happy that day.

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    1. Well thank you for the information, Sandra! And there I was, thinking this was the product of a late night WordPress brainstorm session over a beer, or 12…

      You do know very interesting things 😉

      The day you’ll see yourself through your friends’ eyes, you’ll see you’re not the annoying lady you think you are 🙂

      Trina is awesome… and so is Monkey!! I was so glad to open their heartwarming letter 🙂 Totally made my day, and it came with perfect timing!!

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    1. Thank you, Tony 🙂 Blogging has become a second nature, hehehehe I don’t see myself quiting… I’ll just be less active while adjusting to the more demanding new work schedules 🙂 But no worries, I’ll stick around! xx


    1. Cheers, Ana!

      Thank you 🙂 I never thought so many people could get interested in my ramblings! I met so many great people along the way! (count yourself in that list 🙂 xx )


      1. 🙂 LOL Wait until I manage to get my picture problem fixed on my tablet… I’ll make you so homesick that you’ll need to take a trip back to Vikingland right away!!

        Btw, what pulls a happy Scandinavian away from… well, Scandinavia??


      2. I get that question a lot. Hmmm I love sand, and hummus….¿ I guess it was a mix of restless soul that always wanted to wander and career. I been very lucky with companies that want to hire me. And blue sky. But since I got my little girl, I been missing home a little bit. I’ll probably do three more years before returning to Vikingland.

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  2. Yea Cyr! What a milestone! I wonder how come Trina can mail stuff to ya and when I do (that damned wig!) it all comes back with a note saying we don’t want anything American sent here, thank you. Dang Trump…it’s probably his fault you lovely Freezingland people don’t get American mail anymore. At least you all are polite when sending it back….sigh

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    1. Yeah that border thing is kinda annoying… Next time Justin goes South, I’ll ask him to drop by your place… I’m pretty sure the Prime Minister doesn’t get bothered at the customs!! 😛

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