After Eight Moment · Blogging · Me myself and I · Sharing · Thoughts

After Eight Moments…


Now, if that’s not an After Eight moment, I wonder what would be!



Exactly one month ago, I was launching the After Eight Moments series, quite honestly thinking it wouldn’t last more than a week, maybe less…

I wanted to give an old love a chance… Photography. I did take pictures regularly, but not like when I was in College, and had a passion for it. I was at a point where I took pictures to catch memories to remember people and places by. I took pictures of the obvious, and what presented itself to me.

I wanted to exercise looking for the hidden little things in life. I wanted my eyes to be on the look out, whenever I left home… And I must say that even if it didn’t always give the best pictures, the idea behind them was respected every passing day.

I didn’t expect people to react much to my After Eight Moments, because they were “just pictures” taken around my apartment, and near my working office. But many of you Lovelies came by and seemed to appreciate them. I must admit that I was particularly flattered by some very good photographers’ comments. It motivated me a lot… Thank you all for that unexpected support in this new little adventure!!

For those of you who are just joining in, all the pictures taken for this series, have been shot with my Samsung Galaxy phone, and have not been edited at all. I just post them as is.

To celebrate the first month of the AEM, I’d like to invite you to join in, if you’d like! Look for the little things in your own life and bring them to WordPress! Just link in your posts with pictures related to the After Eight Moment of your choice, in the comment box, and I’ll post them in a special post, next Wednesday! If enough people join in, I’ll try to do a weekly post to share everybody’s contribution to looking at thebeautiful little things in life 🙂

Here are the links to my first month… If you haven’t seen them, enjoy! If you have, thank you again for accompanying me along this new project !



Dying Dandelions     Feline thinking     Seat for two     Spring humor     Dandelions

Snails     Mother Nature’s teardrops     Snail (2)     Sunset     Whites & greens

Fairy door     Mtl City views     Thug life     Dark backstreet     White blooms

50 shades of grey     Dead snail     Rainy day     Woodpecker     Caterpillar

Telephone post     Selfie     Light bulb     Iris     V.I.P. ?     Love me, love me not?

Crane     Chains     Life finds a way     Grass in pavement cracks     Lucky Chinese cats

Sunset (2)    And more to come….





55 thoughts on “After Eight Moments…

      1. I had to make 300 peppermint patties one year for two weddings I was catering. Half were heart shaped and the others were round. I kept the peppermint centers in the freezer to dip the day before each wedding. I came up short on the round ones even though I was sure I made more than enough. Turns out my hubby and Dad were sneaking them when I wasn’t looking! Thankfully I had extra heart ones – they didn’t find that container!

        Liked by 3 people

    1. LOL, this made me laugh… Probably because it is the kind of thing that happens to me pretty often! It could have been a short term challenge too… I had not thought about it.

      Thanks for sharing your thoughts 🙂 xx I hope to see you around the corner again soon!!

      Liked by 1 person

  1. Random question. These are pretty much my favorite chocolate bar (besides pursy’s mint melties) any idea what chains of stores/supermarkets carry them? They used to be at a Sobey’s in Edmonton but since, I rarely if ever can find them 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

    1. I wish I could help you… here in Québec, they can be found in every convenience or grocery store….

      Leave me your adress in my “get in touch with” section, and I’ll send you a couple of bars gladly 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Reblogged this on Mandibelle16 and commented:
    I wanted to share a new Prompt from you led by the wonderful Cyranny. It’s called ‘After Eight Moments’ and you can read about it here, see if it’s a prompt you’d like to do. I really recommend it, not to mention the Prompt name is based off the most delicious chocolate bar. I’m a mint and chocolate person. How about you?


  3. A fun idea matched with a fond memory. In America I think these are the same mints that come in tiny rectangles and are called Andes Candies (now). My Nana and Papa always had them around; they make me think good thoughts. Look how we all end up talking about food. Haha. Looking forward to trying out this prompt.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi there E 🙂 Warm welcome to The Cove! I am glad this series of posts brought back good memories… I think in a lot of cultures, people gather around food when it is time to celebrate or just enjoy good times together 🙂 Seems normal that our favorite souvenirs are related to food!

      I hope to see you around again soon! xx

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Well .. actually, nobody participated yet 😉 But my idea was to inspire people to keep an eye open for the little things in our everyday life, things we don’t pay attention to, anymore…

      If you take a picture, you think represents that, and post it on your blog… Just leave me the link to your post in the comments here, and I’ll share it on my blog too! 🙂


      1. Post it on your blog, and link it in my comments, and I’ll mention it in tonight’s After Eight Moment…. You’ll get more exposure that way 🙂 xx

        Liked by 1 person

  4. I have been largely absent from my blog and WordPress for the last month as college has kept me pretty busy. I do, however, pop on once in a while to read or view other blogs, yours being one of them. This is such a great idea! I love the photos. Keep them coming.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Aww that is such a compliment, Cheynoea! Thank you for taking a minute to visit even when you are busy 🙂 It means a lot to me! All the best with college, and I hope to read you again soon! xx

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Do you have a blog? I tried to access, but it told me that the website was unavailable… If you do have a blog, you could post your own After Eight Moments, and link them to mine with a pingback, and if you don’t, and would like to share your pictures, you could send them to me, and I could do a series of ”Guest – After Eight Moments” 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Omg. These chocolates are still my fav and the best! Every now and then I can find them at the dollar store , but besides the purdy’s mint melties/thins these are my fav. I still remember you sent me some for my bday 2 years ago. Live your writing prompts and the picture is so yummy.


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