Blogging · Denmark · funny · Me myself and I · Travel

Tips about liking elsewhere…

Getting interested in another country is a lot of fun. Even if you don’t have the budget to fly over, or train by (I know, it doesn’t exist), you still can travel in your head. Some people shouldn’t try it though, because with liking a foreign country (even worst if you get to the big…… Continue reading Tips about liking elsewhere…


Good memories…

  I am not an autograph chaser… never been. When we went to Toronto last October, I brought my latest Mew album +- along, just as a lucky charm. I wasn’t expecting to meet with any member of the band. At the very last minute, just before getting seated in front of Lee’s Palace, I…… Continue reading Good memories…


One sick day!

Today’s international day is Joy Germ Day. Now, that just sounds silly. Knowing how the bipolar temperature is confusing people when it comes to dressing for outside, I thought I would have to pay closest attention to sneezing colleagues wanting to shake hands. No, we’re not talking about the flue being spread happily. It seems…… Continue reading One sick day!


Mine første kroner!

The mailman was particularly welcome today… I received a tiny enveloppe from Europe, and it was my latest Christmas gift. Yeah, in Denmark, people receive gifts weeks before Xmas, well, I keep the jolly ambiance going after the holidays! So I received Kroner!! Nice and shiny, and probably wearing authentic Danish fingerprints!! Who knows… I…… Continue reading Mine første kroner!