
Fun facts (part 3)

  Discussing with a Danish friend living in Denmark this morning (Québec time – so, late afternoon time in Denmark… Yeah time zones make overseas friendships master the art of being bi-timable) , at one point he told me; 20 minute break. I need to shovel some melting snow before it gets dark! One more unique…… Continue reading Fun facts (part 3)


I had a walk in Svendborg…

I woke up early this morning, which isn’t like me. I already knew it would be a weird day. As I sat with my tablet, like others take the newspaper, I noticed the sorrow that had been in my throat since I had opened my eyes. I shed a tear, than another… Tears are like…… Continue reading I had a walk in Svendborg…


Guilty pleasures…

We all have a song that we enjoy only with our head phones on. Not because it is a bad song, far from it. There’s just an innate feeling telling us to keep our enthusiasm down a little… We might wonder why we can’t help but dance when the first chords hit our ears, knowing…… Continue reading Guilty pleasures…