
Caught in the action…

I’ve just been caught in the office’s women’s bathroom practicing my energetic, yet elegant Valkyrie footwork… Immediate frowning and obvious judging were thrown at me heartlessly. But I don’t mind… We’ll see who’ll be left laughing when I take the janitor’s soul one day!



Solnedgang… That word comes from my bag of favorite Danish words. Literally; “moment the sun goes down”. I just like it. Because it sounds good and it has a warm feeling to it. Maybe that’s the winter making me talk, but I don’t think so, because I liked solnedgang before this winter. This morning I…… Continue reading Solnedgang…


Work in progress…

I am still training my Valkyrie moves, and I thought I’d give sword fighting a try! But I don’t have a sword yet, and no opponent either. So I attacked my coat hanger fiercely with an empty paper towel carton tube in my hand, tripped on my selfmade white gown, fell to the ground and…… Continue reading Work in progress…


Demandes-le moi à nouveau…

J’ai préparé de la soupe en pensant à toi ce soir… C’était il y a longtemps, mais j’ai l’impression que c’était hier. Nous nous étions croisés par hasard, au détour du chemin. Qui est tombé sur qui, je l’ai oublié. Pourquoi nous sommes nous attardés ce jour-là, je l’ignore… Nous nous sommes assis sur ce…… Continue reading Demandes-le moi à nouveau…