
Marzipan or poetry?

Tough choice today… There are 2 choices on my « international day » website, and I have trouble choosing between “International Marzipan Day” and “International Poetry At Work Day”. I kind of like both ideas… Marzipan, for those who never tried it, is a more or less compact paste made from grounded almonds, sugar and egg white. In…… Continue reading Marzipan or poetry?


I am stuck in places…

I am stuck in places today. I am using Duolingo for my Danish learning. I have since spending a few hours waiting in front of a bar in Toronto. Remember that guy who took me out of my lethargy and thanks to whom I have exchanged a few words with Jonas? He suggested Duolingo. Every…… Continue reading I am stuck in places…


Are you lonesome tonight…?

  Only God knows why I have this song in my head tonight… But it seems to be there for a while…  In French we have an expression for that; “un ver d’oreille” literally “an ear worm”… When a song or a jinggle won’t let your head rest for hours. I often get “vers d’oreille”.…… Continue reading Are you lonesome tonight…?


Jeg kan godt lide…

Have you ever had the feeling that you lived in something comparable to the Truman Show? If you have seen the movie, that is… Otherwise, do you sometimes get the feeling that there is some kind of spireware going on in your life giving information to the rest of the world about your whereabouts? I…… Continue reading Jeg kan godt lide…