Blogging · Me myself and I · Skype · Thoughts

Thank you!



Last year, at the beginning of the (first) lockdown, I decided to start a series of online weekend calls, to give people the chance to connect in a different way, here, in the Bloggosphere. To be absolutely honest, I was convinced that it would be a major flop, like many other ideas I had in the past.

The first weeks were rather quiet, but it started to build up, and we now have a little gang of regulars, and we meet (almost) every Friday at 6 PM (Eastern time).

Last Friday was our 40th meeting, and I was amazed that this idea has continued on for 10 months already! You Lovelies are awesome, and you have no idea how much our little chats have brought to my life. Not only have these meetings put a smile on my face, on days when I was less than jolly, but it has allowed me to get to know you all, on a more personal level. I can’t talk for you, but I know I made long distance friends I now really really care about, and long to meet again, week after week.

So here are the links to the blogs of my Fab Five little gang. Each of them is worth a visit, if you don’t know them already;   


The Fabulous Trina, from It’s Good to Be Crazy Sometimes (You’re welcome, love ya!)

Hokey, from Texas Writer

Suzanne, from My Dang Blog

Simon, from Simon’s Space 

Larry, from Eastelmhurst.a.go.go


And this week we had so very special visitors… I suspect I lured them in with the cheesy reason that our last Skypy Friday session was under the theme of my recent birthday. And I won’t appologize for playing with their feelings, because it was so great to have them aboard, for the first time on that special chat time. These two ladies deserve a little visit too… If you don’t know them, just click on their link, you won’t regret it!


Yinglan, from This is Another Story 

Eleanor, from Persephone’s Playpen


If you’ve been thinking about joining in, on Skypy Fridays, please don’t hesitate next week. Or the one after that. I get that the timing is not optimal for everybody’s time zones, but shyness shouldn’t stop you from sharing a good time. We’re all very welcoming, and always happy to have a new guest.

I post the invitation on Fridays, a little after noon… And if you’d like to get an email reminder, just leave me a message in the comments. (or by email at

Long life to Skypy Fridays! 

And thank you for making all of the past meetings so awesome!!


9 thoughts on “Thank you!

  1. Thanks for sending out that first invitation all these many months ago. Have to admit I wad hesitant at first…wasn’t sure I would fit in with “pro” bloggers. But, I did join and met some of the most talented folks I know. Ya’ll are a great group of folks whom I consider my dear friends. I enjoy our chats, the laughing, the education you share, and the peacful break we enjoy every Friday. When I miss a session I feel a loss…the week doesn’t end right.

    Thanks to all for your friendship and support. God bless you all.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I am soooooooo happy I did it back then, Hokey. I understant your hesitation, but you are the best example of why people should get over their shyness and join us. You are a gem of a person, really, and I think I speak for all of our little gang when I say that Skypy Fridays wouldn’t be what they are if you weren’t there.

      *Big big hugs* You are an awesome person, my friend!


    1. I’ve done a little research, and you seem to be an hour earlier than Montréal’s time. So that would mean 5 PM your time. But if you want to, I can send you an email an hour prior to the meeting, just to be sure? I am really thrilled about having you on our chatting meeting 🙂 Yay yay yay!


  2. Reblogged this on Its good to be crazy Sometimes and commented:
    I am starting the weekend share a wee bit early, because this is happening in about 5 minutes and I have had a great time doing these with all the bloggers and have made firm friends.

    So if you want to give it ago, You have about 5 minutes (11pm GMT, 6pm EST) come and say hello. I will be fashionably late


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