Blogging · challenge · Fiction

The girl next door… – FFFC

. Never before her, had he been the peeping type. Still to this day, he felt uneasy, when he caught himself staring down her way. Not so long ago, Will lived a somewhat boring life. Pretty much every day used to be a Groundhog Day (the iconic movie, not the spring time ritual) grotesque caricature.…… Continue reading The girl next door… – FFFC

Blogging · challenge · Fiction

Sarah & Lew… – FFFC

. When the school bell rang, all of the children ran to the center of the playground. Recess was over, and Sarah quietly made her way to her class’ queue, taking her usual place in the line. All she could think of, was that she was next to give her oral presentation. At least, it…… Continue reading Sarah & Lew… – FFFC

Blogging · challenge · Fiction

Thomas… – FFFC

. The little boy’s head was resting peacefully on his lap, when Walter closed the book and put it away. Nap time was their special grand-pa to grand-son moment every day, since Walt had moved in the apartment just upstairs from his dear daughter Lilly. She hadn’t agreed at first, perhaps feeling that having her…… Continue reading Thomas… – FFFC

Blogging · challenge · Fiction

Skip… – FFFC

. Staring at the picture, her heart skipped a beat. She vividly remembered the first time she had laid eyes on it. It wasn’t a very long time ago, but now it felt like an eternity. From the start, he had been so very mysterious, and in a way, it was one of the reasons…… Continue reading Skip… – FFFC

Blogging · challenge · Fiction

Not quite human… – FFFC

. He couldn’t help the eye rolling when he heard the shower water running. She had been in the bathroom for a good hour, and when she turned the tap off, he could imagine Iza sitting in front of her mirror, putting on her wrapped in a towel head. She would soon come out, wearing…… Continue reading Not quite human… – FFFC

Blogging · challenge · Fiction

Me too! – FFFC

. They couldn’t have wished for a better day… The sun was warm, and the adults were resting in the the shadow of a tall oak tree. Who would have thought, right? It had been Tricia’s idea, to finally meet in this park they all knew so very well. Just weeks before, they were perfect…… Continue reading Me too! – FFFC

Blogging · challenge · Fiction · short

Morning visit… – FFF

  When he opened the door, the muzzle of a hand gun awaited him, at eyes’ height. Oh, hello Sweetheart! He was expecting her, just not this early. She was stunning, as usual, and even if the colt was still pointed at his head, all he could think of, was how amazing it was, that…… Continue reading Morning visit… – FFF

Blogging · challenge · Flash fiction · short

Last stop…

  Well, that’s just silly, if you ask me… Helen said as they pulled over in the empty parking lot. Are these people flat-Earth believers?? I mean, one can always drive back to where they came from…  Jim didn’t pay attention to the blabbering as he watched the needle dangerously flirting with the red ”E” on the…… Continue reading Last stop…