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Mystery encounter… (August 25th FFF)

I was invited, (well, not personally, but still) to  Fandango’s Friday Flashback!

Fandango scrolls back, every Friday, and gives a second chance to a post he had published on the same date, years before. I thought it was a great way to remember some of the stuff I did a while back, and I decided to participate…

So here it is!

Written on August 25th of 2020, here’s a rather darkish short piece of fiction, inspired by one of Sir Fandango’s Flash Fiction Challenges. I had no intention in using flattery by linking this post to three of his. But being the incredible blogger he is, I think it was well deserved. Especially since I didn’t remember this story when I revisited it, and I was quite glad Fandango inspired me to write it!

I hope you’ll enjoy it (again), and I wish you’re safe and well, wherever you are… 🙂





I’ll always remember that evening.

It was late, very late at night… And so very foggy, even for that time of the year. The street lights were casting cotton candy like halos on the road, and my gaze danced from one to the next as if I had not ridden there hundreds of times before.

Had it been a Friday, or Saturday night, I probably wouldn’t have noticed you. At this late hour, there would have been many young drivers, racing their pimped Honda Civics from party to party.

But it was a Tuesday evening, and the towns on both ends of the road were long asleep. Just my luck, wouldn’t you agree?

When I spotted your blurry silhouette, I had to look twice, not quite sure my brain wasn’t playing games with me. But there you stood, in the middle of the road, ghostly presence right on my path.

Prior to that moment, I can’t say that I believed in fate. To me, life was just an endless series of right and wrong choices, and come to think about it, maybe that’s all there is to it. Still, for some reason, staring at your mysterious shadow, wrapped in fog-lace, I suddenly felt the bitter-sweet taste of destiny on my tongue.

Your fantom-like figure hypnotized me… Hey there, handsome! Are you looking for a ride? I thought to myself. The closer I got to you, and the more I felt like a moth attracted by light.

Suddenly you turned around, probably surprised by my pickup truck’s lights. We finally made eye contact, and it was quite magical… Brief but oh! So magical. I must say, you were quite good looking…

I should have breaked, I know that now.

And if I hadn’t spent my evening drinking, I would have called 911.



Via Fandango’s Flash Fiction Challenge

You can visit the original post here.

One thought on “Mystery encounter… (August 25th FFF)

  1. I am, indeed, flattered by your choice to use one of my other prompt posts for this week’s Flashback Friday. I enjoyed it just as much as I did the first time I read it!


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