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Cyranny’s quickie!




What would you like to try, but wouldn’t want to get stuck with, afterwards?

I think I’ll give you an example for this one, because I know it can sound a little weird. Recently I read about ”fast reading”. I know it is something that can be learnt. I am not a fast reader at all. When I read a book, my mind takes time to wander and imagine the characters and places. It is part of the experience of reading, for me. I would like to try fast reading, but I wouldn’t want to lose my ability to slow read for good.





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37 thoughts on “Cyranny’s quickie!

    1. LOL Good one, Rob! I hate credit cards… I got one in my early twenties, and it got me in deep sh*t for years… After that, I swore to myself I’d never accept another one. I did, however decide otherwise when I started traveling again a couple of years back, mainly to buy my plane tickets, and get around easier when abroad. But I almost never use it here. If you ever find a bank that offers cards that don’t require any to be paid back, please let me know!! LOL

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    1. Mouahahahaha Good pick! I think I’d like that too, to try a couple of dangerous things, knowing I wouldn’t die. But I wouldn’t want to live forever… Forever seems like a long long long time. As for skydiving, I might just be lucky, but I tried it, and am still here to talk about it, so I’d say go ahead! Try it if you have a chance 🙂 Oh, and if you are wondering about trying bungee jumping first, because it is not as high a jump… Forget about it! I tried both, and skydiving is much less scary, surprisingly!


    1. Life? Aren’t you living already? 😉 I am guessing trying another another kind of life? I understand your curiosity for a 9-5 job… I’ve worked weird shifts almost all my working life, and having a more ”normal” schedule is quite a change.

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      1. Life was the answer to the latter half..I wouldn’t want to get stuck with it 😂😂
        I never wanted to work on a 9-5 job, and you know what? My boss gave me 12-9 job 😝😝 And now I’m like 9-6 or even 10-7 was so much better 😛😛

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  1. Skiing…I think. I wouldn’t want to fall down as I am freakin old and worry about breaking a hip or something, and I really don’t like to stay outside when it’s snowing or really cold…but I’d like to try just once.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Oh, I like this one… I’ve been wondering about trying to go sky for years, but so much is stopping me. It just seems like something you have to start at an early age to be confident enough to throw yourself down the slope! Plus it costs a lot, for a one time try. And, of course, there is the ”spending a whole day outside freezing my butt out. But if I had a guarantee that I wouldn’t feel the cold, and wouldn’t hurt myself, I’d try it too… Thank you for joining in, Suze 🙂 xx


    1. That’s a good idea… It is true that investing in all the material required to tryout a new kind of crafting or art can be expensive. Enough to make anyone think about it twice…

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    1. Ooooh, good one, Cheryl! I tried skydiving and bungee jumping, but never hang gliding…. Dad took lessons when I was a little kid, and he crashed a couple of times. I am guessing Mom stopped him, so she wouldn’t have to raise us alone LOL


  2. I think I fall under the category as you listed as an example. Because of all the medication I’m on, I have to read slowly, and sometimes re-read over again before it sinks in. I had never been that way before. I used to be able to blast through at least three or four books per week post medicated days.

    Liked by 2 people

      1. Thank you, for asking. I’m still in a funk. I’ve been forcing myself to write and read for nearly 3 hours, but I feel a nap is required. I’m just not myself. I keep reminding myself that this is temporary, but I feel like I’m moving in slow motion. LOL! I just finished writing a piece for the word of the day, so I think I will take a nap. LOL!
        I’m hoping you are having a good weekend so far. Luv ya, Sweetie!

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    1. These tiny houses intrigue me too. I would not fear being claustrophobic, but I would have to get rid of so much stuff to be able to live in one. I think I would need a garage bigger than the mini house just to put what doesn’t fit in the small cabinets 😛

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    1. I agree, Wayne… Taking things slow is the best way to go for me too, unfortunately, Life seems to push us into running through things most of the time. I think I need to find myself a more secluded home, away from the craziness of the city 😛


      1. October 6th,1990
        I use to be a exploration Geologist. I explored for gold,uranium and oil/gas.
        I found I was way too sensitive to be in cities but perfect to be able to feel my animal friends~


    1. Have you ever tried, or thought about trying a henna tattoo, to start with? You’d get a good idea if you really like the look of that rose on your shoulder 😉


    1. You probably wouldn’t even mind, after the long days spent taking care of your animals and piece of land… But I understand how quitting technology cold turkey would be a big step to take… Plus, how would we keep in touch?? 😉

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    1. Hehehehehe good one! I would like trying a very different look, from time to time… But I am so scared of having to deal with a bad choice, until I can go back to good ol’ me 😛


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