Blogging · Thoughts

Me, cocky?…



It is major party time Meet & Greet style this week end… I am having a blast! All this positive energy in the air, all this sharing going on, like an international trade market for thoughts and pieces of mind!

I’d be lying if I said I am not that interested in getting more visitors through these virtual events… Of course I am thrilled when a new face Likes a few posts and even hits the almighty “follow” button.

But what I truly enjoy, is discovering new Bloggers. Fiction, poetry, photography… I am zero strategic when it comes to running the Cove. I’ve read how some Bloggers follow hoping to be followed back, or Like and comment posts to gain attention… And it is fine by me. But I don’t work this way. I Like if I like, and I comment if I connect with what I just read.

Today I interracted with several new Bloggers, some of which I had seen the name mentionned here and there, proving they were successful on some level. Other good sign they are ahead of me in the Blogging game? The great exposure they have compared to the Cove. Nonetheless, I was surprised by the reaction when I would pay my respect to their good work.

More than once, I got the feeling people were genuinely glad that I enjoyed their posts. Not that I was expecting a mere Like back to my comments, but I felt a certain lack of self confidence. (not being negative here… I just thought those people would be absolutely confident about their work)

Thinking back, I remembered how most of my favorite Bloggers had that attitude. Even when covered with Views, Likes and Comments, they still seem to think it was just luck. That what they were delivering to the Bloggosphere wasn’t worthy of any praise.

And I turned to look at my own self. I too hesitate posting from time to time… Thinking, it is not worth being read, doubting my writing and my ideas. Putting down the creative me.

Your imagination doesn’t come anywhere close to his… You’re not even close to being as funny as she is… Your opinions are not as interesting as others’…. 

Yup, sometimes, I can be my own enemy. And I think you are yours too, dear fellows Bloggers. Although there is very little competition on WP, we can’t help comparing ourselves…

I am not as funny as Linda or the Viking’s wife… My imagination doesn’t compare to Notthedane56’s. I am not as opiniated as Opiniated Man, or as bitter as Bitter Ben. No… That’s for sure. And I sure am not as poetic and dreamy as Sarah Doughty or as kind as Nikki

But I have my own niche.

The Cove is my home-away-from-home. And I make it an honor to welcome warmly newcomers. My posts might change from one day to the next, and seem to have no directive line, but taking care of my Lovelies is my priority. I don’t fit a category, you can’t put me in a box, but doesn’t it make me just lovely?

Coming to my title… I don’t think I could be cocky if I wanted to. But I am tempted to feel like my additon to WP has its importance… Even if I am not as funny, as imaginative, as opiniated, as bitter, as poetic or as kind as others… I have my place, and I’ll take it.

And you should too. Without doubting your role to play in the Blogging game!




10 thoughts on “Me, cocky?…

  1. One of the best things that ever happened to me was the day I strolled into your cove, not really knowing what to expect, but finding it to be warm and inviting, a place where I could truly be myself. The fact that we have become best blogging buddies, soul sisters attached at the hip and each other’s personal cheerleaders has changed my life in ways I cannot possibly articulate adequately.

    You are the loveliest of lovelies, never forget that, and never change a thing about your cove. It is your place to be you, dear sweet lovable you, and it is what keeps me coming back again and again.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Linda, Linda, Linda…

      You know you have a recliner chair that gives massages and can be heated with your name on it, in the Cove! Karma sure has done its job bringing us together! And someday, it will bite someone else in the arshe for sure, because we are one fierce team o’ bitches (it is ok Lovelies, don’t bring soap for my tongue… I just talk dirty like that with Linda :P)

      Love U beautiful… you’re so Awesome!! 🙂

      P.S. The soul sisters attached by the hip is sooooooooooo going to stay… Great image!

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Never doubt yourself for a second!!! I am so thankful for you and for the cove. Each person brings something different to the table and that is exactly what makes this community so beautiful. Thank you for sharing these thoughts though- I can almost guarantee everyone feels this way at some point or another ( I know I do!). Hope you are having a wonderful weekend, Cyranny! xx

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks for the heartwarming comment Mack 🙂

      I think that, as it works with life in general, it took me some time (a little over 10 months) to figure what I was doing here, and where my place was…

      I don’t make people swoon, and I am not here to inspire great changes in their lives, but if I can bring a feel good moment to passers by, my job is done!! 🙂

      Tim Horton’s and Starbucks “only” sell coffee, but tons of people would get to work way grumpier if they all closed down!

      Big hugs to you on this chilly Sunday morning, hoping you’ll have a great one! 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Aww… that is so kind of you Saraa 🙂 I have put your compliment in my back pocket, and I’ll make sure to take it out again, when the moods aren’t so jolly…

      I hope you’re having a nice Sunday 🙂 *hugs*

      Liked by 1 person

  3. You are more than lovely. Although lovely is so damn lovely right??
    You are so warm and supportive..funny and clever….caring and witty….you bring a lot to the table. I love it here at the cove. 🙂 ❤


  4. The Blogging game I do not play, of that I am certain. Your Cove seems like a great place and I like -genuinely like – what I’ve read so far. So I’ve decided to follow along. 🤗 happy friendship forged!

    Liked by 1 person

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