Blogging · Me myself and I · Sharing · Thoughts

1,2,3… Go!

. This time of the year, I’m not usually the typical resolution-taker. Because it seems useless, knowing that a vast majority of said resolutions don’t make it past the end of January… But, I’ve ended 2023 on a rather bittersweet note. Although I was starting a new job, I felt ugly inside-out, and I feared…… Continue reading 1,2,3… Go!

Blogging · Me myself and I · short · Thoughts

What you should focus on…

  Next week, we’ll be in 2021. A lot of us will be looking for some inspiration to have a better year than 2020 was. Quite frankly, I think that if you just keep breathing for a couple of months, Life will probably do the job for you.  But if you’re the kind of person…… Continue reading What you should focus on…

Blogging · challenge · Flash fiction · stories

At the Café – #1MinFiction

  What he overheard almost made him choke on his sip. ‘… I swear, he went crazy! He wants it everyday, for hours, untill I am panting and sweating from every pore! Again & again… I tell you! I’m exhausted.’ Pausing to drink… ‘But it was my resolution too. And the gym subscription has been paid…… Continue reading At the Café – #1MinFiction


Still pretty new year…

We humans are funny… The turn of a new year, when you think about it, could happen at any second…  We just decided that we’d change the page of the calendar (well, the whole calendar for that matter) at the same time. Not exactly true, we have to keep time zones in mind not to…… Continue reading Still pretty new year…


January 1st 2016, 21h

  There are only 3 hours left to the first day of the year… It was a pretty nice first day of the year, although I spent most of it at work. Since yesterday, my mind has been boggled about my “first day of the year” post. Problem is, I went on and read a…… Continue reading January 1st 2016, 21h