A to Z Challenge · Blogging · Instagram · Me myself and I · Thoughts

F like Fear…

  I’m not the fearful type. I do have a couple of fears, fire being on the top of the list, but overall, nothing really shakes my tree. I have to admit that when the World Health Association announced that we facing a world pandemic, I got scared. Not for me, but for Chéri. He…… Continue reading F like Fear…

Blogging · challenge · Fiction · stories · Thoughts

Girls talk… – FFFC

Vanessa let herself drop on the comfy sofa, reached for her scotch, and took a long sip. Her bestfriend was standing in the middle of the living room. She was pretending to give the painting a long, appreciative look, but Vanessa knew her better than that. Knocking off her high heels, she rubbed her soar…… Continue reading Girls talk… – FFFC

Blogging · Me myself and I · Montreal · Thoughts

Little walk downtown…

Like many major cities, Montréal’s heart is largely tatooed. Local artists have inked in their names in every corner of the metropolis. What does make a difference here, compared to other large cities I’ve visited, is that instead of fighting taggers relentlessly, authorities and businesses have decided to work hand in hand with some of…… Continue reading Little walk downtown…

Blogging · Sharing · Word of the day

Kira’s Sunday Scribbles

Welcome to Kira’s weekly inspirational art piece. Let the whole picture tell you a story, or dive into the small intricate details to make one up! Write a poem, a fiction piece or come up with a picture or drawing of your own, that you feel relates to it. Feel free to copy […] via Kira’s… Continue reading Kira’s Sunday Scribbles

Blogging · challenge · Sharing

Kira’s Sunday Scribbles — WOTDC

Welcome to Kira’s weekly inspirational art piece. Let the whole picture tell you a story, or dive into the small intricate details to make one up! Write a poem, a fiction piece or come up with a picture or drawing of your own, that you feel relates to it. Feel free to copy […] via Kira’s… Continue reading Kira’s Sunday Scribbles — WOTDC