Blogging · Me myself and I · Sharing · Skype · Thoughts

You’re invited!


Happy Thursday Lovelies!

I don’t know about you, but it’s been a bit of a Debby downer week here. But it’s coming to an end (even if I have to work on Saturday… Ugh), and what better way to put things behind, than to have a nice chat session with some of you lovely people? So, what do you say? Let’s party!

Wether you are a regular, or if this is new to you, you are most welcome to join in, tomorrow at 6 PM Eastern time. Just keep an eye open for my ”Skypy Friday” post tomorrow afternoon. It will give you a link to the Skype chatroom where we’ll be meeting.

When is that for you?  Here‘s a user friendly time converter so you can be there on time.

If you’re new to The Cove, and this is the first time you read about Skypy Fridays, you can catch up by clicking here.

I look forward to hear about your week… Will you dare to join in?

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