Blogging · Me myself and I · Québec · Thoughts

Chasing the monsters away…

  I miss being a little girl today. I had a great childhood, and I am grateful for that. We didn’t have much money, but my parents were hard workers, and they went out of their ways to make sure we never suffered from our life on a (tight) budget. There was so much love…… Continue reading Chasing the monsters away…

Blogging · challenge · Cyranny's Aussie Tour

Delayed – LCPP

Basil René launched a photography challenge: The Life Captured Photo Prompt. Why don’t I let him explain the challenge himself… Each week on Saturday I will post a photo prompt and if you wish to participate, post a photo on your blog any day from Saturday through Friday and ping it back to my original…… Continue reading Delayed – LCPP

Blogging · challenge · Word of the day

Untold – Word of the Day Challenge

The Word of the Day is Untold Write a Poem, story or anecdote, inspired by this word. Please create a pingback to your post by including a link to this page in whatever you are posting. If you want to participate create a pingback to link your post. Not sure how to do that? […] via… Continue reading Untold – Word of the Day Challenge