After Eight Moment · Blogging · nature · short · Thoughts

After Eight Moments…

    Seemed fitting for an After Eight Moment… Now, I just need to learn how to grow milk chocolate!       If you want to know what After Eight Moments are about, click here. Description for the visually impaired; Close up on drops of water on one my mint plant’s leaves…

Blogging · challenge · Cyranny's Aussie Tour

Unexpected friends – LCPP

Basil René launched a photography challenge: The Life Captured Photo Prompt. Why don’t I let him explain the challenge himself… Each week on Saturday I will post a photo prompt and if you wish to participate, post a photo on your blog any day from Saturday through Friday and ping it back to my original…… Continue reading Unexpected friends – LCPP

Blogging · challenge · Word of the day

Begin – Word of the Day Challenge

The Word of the Day is Begin Write a Poem, story or anecdote, inspired by this word. Please create a pingback to your post by including a link to this page in whatever you are posting. If you want to participate create a pingback to link your post. Not sure how to do that? See […]… Continue reading Begin – Word of the Day Challenge