Blogging · flags

And the winner is… *drum roll*



If you’ve been around The Cove lately, you are aware that a constest was on. If you missed on it, and wonder what all this was about, you can learn more here.

I had planned to make a smashing post about the results. Unfortunately, I woke up feeling a bit under the weather, which is not much of a surprise, seen how everybody around me has been sick lately.

But I can’t postpone… And I am glad to announce that we have a grand winner!


Drum roll…


cyrannymapfreezingland (1)-page-001


With only three extra votes, the startled mooses won! I’d like to go knock on Suze’s door, and congratulate her accordingly, with a big flower bouquet and a whole camera crew, but unfortunately, I lack the budget and I have to go to work this afternoon.

I will though start to arrange to have the flags made and delivered, and I’ll make sure to post pictures of mine flying over my porch!

I’d like to thank you all for participating and voting!


26 thoughts on “And the winner is… *drum roll*

    1. Hahahaha I like the “almost” 🙂 I wish I had lots of money, and could have all of them made out of actual fabric… But I think Chéri would disapprove! It’s always about the money 😛

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Hehehe I know… And I really liked E’s flag too! In fact, I liked them all, but the people have spoken! If I win the lottey someday, I promise to have the others made also! And I’ll have one of E’s sent to you with great pleasure… Just wish me luck!! 😛

      Liked by 2 people

      1. I have a feeling even the mooses will draw quite some attention towards my balcony… That should be funny! I haven’t even told Chéri about my contest… This will be a surprise to everybody around! LOL

        Liked by 3 people

  1. I am thinking E should go ahead and make a flag of it…i’d fly it! And thanks Cyranny! That flag will proudly fly on the front neighbors are gonna go crazy over it….

    Liked by 2 people

    1. No worries,

      It will fly…
      It will find a place in the PPTs of the training courses I present on Sensitivity and Diversity.
      The comments on Cyranny’s Blog showed me that there are still taboo topics. I will have fun with this topic as an example and metaphor to illustrate the deep seated ethnocentrism in all of us.

      Congrats Suze, yours is a great flag!

      Liked by 2 people

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