
I just wanted to go walking in Skagen…

Early Sunday morning. Too early. Getting some credits for eventual future crumbles early (See “L’avenir appartient à ceux qui se lèvent tôt”).

Anyway, I thought I’d go for a walk in Skagen… I heard a lot about it and I wanted to get out of town a little. I was about to step on Denmark’s beaches for the first time when I was stopped by Google, which obviously thought I didn’t deserve a Skagen walk around.

I had simply typed “Skagen”… Enter!

All kinds of earrings, bags, wallet stuff appeared on my screen and I wasn’t too sure about what Google was offering me. So I didn’t take a chance, and I added “Denmark” (I write it everywhere, might as well put it here) Enter!

Nope, Google wasn’t letting go with the “looking for a purse or something?” links, and I started being bitter about the Skagen company, for it was stealing important walking on the beach minutes from me. Moments I could never get back from life!!

I told myself I would half-forgive the company if it was Danish… Of course it was!! But I had to go on their web site to learn that, and being on the web site, and Skagen being Danish, I was tempted to just check out what exactly they were selling.

Danes being annoyingly neat when it comes to design, I clicked here and there, and they got me to give up my MasterCard number, and now I have 3 purses, a wallet, jewelry, and 7 keychains (the whole set of colors… they were on sale!) on their way to my dejlig lejlighed.

I even found a recipe for rygbrød (rye bread), who knows, I could impress Lucas with my cooking skills. I found out about Andreas Mogensen, first Dane to go to space. And I learned a thing or two about architecture and home decorating. All that on Skagen’s website.

Wait…   Skagen… Rings a Bell…

Shoot! I guess the toe dipping will have to wait for another day…

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