
How to get to Denmark, the brainstorm…



I called the bank today to check on my accounts, and it is pretty sure I won’t buy myself a plane ticket for Copenhagen in the next few days… (I hear the sigh of relief among Danes from here)

It is just unfair… There’s gotta be a (better) way.

I enjoy tv shows about travelling, but they bring up a little bit of passive-agressivity from the very bottom of myself. I always think about those people travelling around the globe to shoot documentaries in places they probably never would have gone to if it wasn’t for their job. I don’t have anything against the few that really do it for the passion of discovering the world. The same goes to the travel-bloggers I read avidly. I don’t have the slightest jealousy towards them.

But why do some people get PAID to travel when they obviously don’t really enjoy it to the fullest? Just not fair!

Maybe I could try to present an idea to the travel channel here in Québec. A series of documentaries about Denmark, but I suspect Denmark-related tv shows to be quite a niche market here…

Maybe I could try to present the idea to a travel channel in Denmark! A series of documentaries about Denmark from a loving foreigner point of view! That would be fun! And no-one would have to worry about me giving into the (very few) bad sides of the country.

Maybe I could harass my Facebook friends, real friends and my family so much that they’d contribute and put me on an airplane just to get rid of me… I don’t know if there’s a way to start an online personal foundation that people sick of hearing me talking about Denmark could transfer money into… It must exist somewhere… And I’m pretty sure if I get annoying enough, I might even get some help to start it up!

Maybe I could write to Queen Margrethe II and see if she could help me. She looks like a very nice person. I wonder if she ever got mail from people of other countries loving her land as much as I do… That might catch her attention… Or she might see me as looney, and I’d hate to make a bad impression with the Queen…

I thought about buying myself a very little boat, but I am not that good a sailor and I don’t have Viking’s skills to survive along the way…

I could wait for the next Canadian ship going to Hans Island for the snaps/whiskey trade, and stay there for a while, waiting for next ship from Denmark to come along…. I can even pay for the liquor.

Or I can do it the long and boring way… Work, save money little by little and go when ever there is enough in the bank…  Unless someone has another idea? I’m really open to suggestions, as long as it ends up with me in Denmark!


3 thoughts on “How to get to Denmark, the brainstorm…

  1. Here is a quote from John Lennon to the Press:
    Press: How did you find America?
    John: Turn left at Greenland.
    If you have difficulty finding Denmark, then re-read the above quote and follow that.
    Just in reverse, that is…

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Sorry Denmark….not that I don’t like your country…but sometimes it is hard to stay concentrate when Catherine talks about your country for a verrrrryyyyy long time. So I might consider starting a foundation to help her get to you ASAP ! Don’t worry when you’ll see her arrives in your country one day ( I hope ). She’s great and have a big heart full of passion for your country !!!!! 🙂

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