Blogging · challenge · Me myself and I · Sharing · Thoughts

Nice try, suckers!

. After my usual day of work today, I made my way to the living room’s couch. I have been giving training to a new addition to our team the last couple of weeks, so I don’t have much free time to check social medias or the internet in general during my shift. So, I…… Continue reading Nice try, suckers!

Blogging · Freja · Me myself and I · Thoughts

This iz minz!

Days when Chéri and I are off from work at the same time are pretty rare. When it happens, we try to catch up on stuff we need to do together. Like this afternoon, when we played barbershop in the bathroom. I’ve been cutting Chéri’s hair for years, and he was more than due for…… Continue reading This iz minz!