Blogging · book · Excerpt · Fiction · M · Novel

M – Part Nine

  I accidentally catch the envious glance from a secretary wearing a chic tailor, obviously thinking we are a couple. I address her a content smile… There you go, in your face, snobby! I stare back, establishing my fictive territory. It is good to be Mrs Madsen! And still, in my imaginary relationship, existing only…… Continue reading M – Part Nine

Blogging · Freja · funny · Thoughts

1, 2, 3… Chill!!

for Nikki’s Creative Prompt – Week 6 : What’s your chill?   While wondering about the best way to chill, I thought I’d ask the chilling master… Freja! She basically lives to chill, and maybe, if I petted her the right way, I could get some advice… So I walked around the apartment, to find the…… Continue reading 1, 2, 3… Chill!!