Blogging · Denmark · Me myself and I · poetry · Thoughts

Band-Aid Memories…

. . Aching dawns, Sore evenings… Sometimes, time Looses any meaning. Bad news forced down my throat. I gag a little But I still hope For a twist An unexpected turn With little luck The planet won’t burn… Down, and to heal My worries I turn to my Band-Aid memories.

Blogging · Second chance · Sharing · Thoughts

A hug for Saraa… (June 18th FFF)

I was invited (well, not personally, but still…) to join the Fandango’s Friday Flashback! Fandango scrolls back, every Friday, and gives a second chance to a post he had published on the same date, years before. I thought it was a great way to remember some of the stuff I did a while back, and I…… Continue reading A hug for Saraa… (June 18th FFF)

Blogging · Canada · Me myself and I · Thoughts

A little bit of light…

  I don’t know how things are, outside Canada, but here, the concept of ”news” has been cancelled about a month ago. News channels are 100% dedicated to the covid-19. The increasing number of people affected, of people admited in hospitals, of people now in ICUs, of deaths… That’s why I was suprised to see…… Continue reading A little bit of light…

Blogging · Fiction · Second chance · stories · The Muse

Visit to the village…

Previously posted on September 4th of 2018.     Most of his words had, and never would leave his home in the woods. She still tried to understand why he didn’t have greater ambition for his tales. He probably didn’t doubt all the books he had stacked on the many shelves of the house could…… Continue reading Visit to the village…

Blogging · Me myself and I · Thoughts

Everything’s just great!

  Well, make that 24 days, and counting. I was tempted to name this post “Are you f*ckidding me?”… But I waited a little bit, until I calmed down, and decided that there was no need to be negative. But yes, today brought its share of bad news. Again. It is starting to look like a…… Continue reading Everything’s just great!

Blogging · Me myself and I · Thoughts

Just when you think it’s over…

  Thursday night, I came back to Montréal, in a somewhat peaceful state of mind. Dad’s discharge was just a matter of time, he just needed to see the cardiologist, this morning, and then it would be pack-up time, and Mom would take him back home. At 4h40 this afternoon, I got Mom’s confirmation that…… Continue reading Just when you think it’s over…

Blogging · Me myself and I · Thoughts

A little prayer, or a warm thought, please.

  A call in the middle of the night is never the premise to good news. A call from Mom, at 1h41 am is scary. From Mom’s cell phone… Terrifying. It appears that Dad woke up showing signs of what most likely is a stroke. He has just been brought to the hospital. We don’t…… Continue reading A little prayer, or a warm thought, please.

Blogging · Sharing · Thoughts

A hug for Saraa…

Dear Lovelies, Today I break my blogging-pause silence for a good reason. Not a happy one, but something worth a mention… As you all know, blogging is about sharing thoughts and stories, but it is much more than that. The Bloggosphere is a community, and a place we come to when we need some support.…… Continue reading A hug for Saraa…