Blogging · Denmark · Me myself and I · Thoughts

8,000 and counting…

. Just a little less than 8 years ago, bending over my office keyboard, I was opening an account on WordPress, thus creating my dear little Cove. I first did it, because a friend who enjoyed my offline writing thought I should spread my words out. It was also meant to be a place where…… Continue reading 8,000 and counting…

Blogging · Denmark · Learning Danish · Me myself and I · Thoughts


. Not as in the women that sell their bodies. Sorry if I misled you… But the above picture should have given you a clue I wasn’t going that way. Then again, if it brought you here, all for the better. No, I meant slut in danish, which means end. Something’s ending might sound negative…… Continue reading Slut!

Blogging · Denmark · I love you · Me myself and I · Thoughts

What an adventure!

  . Very dear Lovelies, This morning, along with my expected 459-day streak notice, I found the above mention in my messages. It really surprised me. Remembering birthdays and anniversaries is not my forté, including my own special dates. So I just sat down, and remembered 6-years-ago me, timidly creating my account, not imagining the…… Continue reading What an adventure!

Fiction · funny · Just stories

Going for the Guinness book of records!

Freja has been complaining about all my hours spent at work and the fact that we didn’t have enough human-cat quality time… I wondered what could bring us back closer, and I came up with a long hoped for achievement of mine, winning my place in the Guinness book of records! I can’t say that…… Continue reading Going for the Guinness book of records!