Blogging · Daily Prompt · poetry · Prose · stories · Thoughts

The Dove…

via today’s Daily Prompt; Forlorn   Wrote my thoughts my hopes and my dreams on the virgin canevas of a white dove’s wings. Working patiently, my purest wishes carefully penned on the feathers’ tips… Inking our story, or at least my side of it on the lovely bird’s back covering every bit… Bent for endless hours…… Continue reading The Dove…

Blogging · Daily Prompt · Fiction · poetry · Prose · Thoughts

We were…

Via today’s daily prompt: Almost   So very almost, though never really. Never quite, but ever so close to… We weren’t, were we? Should have, could have, but didn’t nail it. How come then, that I miss, what I never had, to begin with?    

Blogging · Daily Prompt · Me myself and I · Thoughts

I am a mermaid…

Via today’s Daily Prompt: Cozy You didn’t know that, did you? To be quite honest, it’s normal you hadn’t noticed, because I only got my beautiful tail a couple of days ago! And let me tell you that with a glacial -40 degrees Celcius outside, I’ll be wearing it most of the day! It is my…… Continue reading I am a mermaid…

Blogging · Daily Prompt · Fiction


Via today’s Daily Prompt: Confess   Her gaze followed as he walked back and forth in the living room, checking for any sign of the towing truck through the bay window. The cursing had stopped, but his whispered mumbling was like a raging mantra recited at the pace of his steps… Today… this piece of…… Continue reading Confession…

After Eight Moment · Blogging · Daily Prompt · Me myself and I · Québec · Thoughts

After Eight Moments…

  The big red dot says “you are here”. This is not a cool picture, but I chose it, because everytime I look at it, I get the feeling that I am standing in front of a very bad hypnotiser. I just feel like looking the dude in the eyes saying “Nnnnope!”     If you…… Continue reading After Eight Moments…