Blogging · Me myself and I · Thoughts

Good Ol’ School Meet & Greet Party!!



Depending on how long you’ve been blogging, you’ll either remember the good old days, when Meet & Greet parties took place almost every weekend, or (hopefully) be curious enough to read this post until the end, and take a couple of minutes to make this Meet & Greet party your first.

To make a long story short, Meet & Greets were an opportunity for bloggers to mingle and exchange over a period of two or three days (sometimes more, sometimes less). A chance for new bloggers to give exposure to their sites, and for more established bloggers to discover new faces.

You might know me, and I tend to ramble on, even when I don’t have much to say. But the beauty of Meet & Greet parties, is that the post itself doesn’t really matter. It is the ”comment” section that is important. Because it belongs to you Lovelies.

This week, The Cove turned seven years old, and that seemed a a good enough reason to throw such a party again. I’d really like to think that I still can bring people together after all these years.

So I’m offering you all kinds of finger food, cold cuts and cheese platters, colorful cupcakes and sweet treats, let alone drinks, with or without alcohol. I have a coffee maker ready and a kettle on the the stove too.

The DJ is open to your special requests… And until monday night, I’ll be in and out to visit your links and reply to your comments.

So here are the guidelines for this party (not mendatory, but eh, be a good Meet & Greet partier):

  • Introduce yourself in the comments, and share a link to your blog.
  • Take a moment to visit other commenter’s posts.
  • Mingle, especially if you are new to the Bloggosphere, you can thank me later! 😉
  • If you enjoy your time at the party, feel free to share the link to this post so more people join into to the party.


Party on! I might have some surprises coming…

We have three days of fun ahead of us, will you take part in it?

24 thoughts on “Good Ol’ School Meet & Greet Party!!

  1. Oh I love that you’re hosting a meet and greet!! Thank you, Cyr! I was just telling DJ how I was feeling nostalgic for the blog days of old… I feel so many people don’t blog anymore that used to and it’s missing the joie de vivre it used to have. Although maybe it’s only my perception since I haven’t been able to be as active on here as I used to! Either way, a meet & greet feels very perfect right now! enough of my rambling, let’s get the party started!! 🎉

    Hi all! Nice to ‘meet’ you! My name is Mackenzie & I have a little lifestyle blog at (we moved back to Ohio last year after living in TX and CA before that!). I look forward to making some new friends here! As a new mom, I’ll be sipping away on coffee here ☕️.

    Happy Weekend!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. My favorite Sunshine Gal…. I am SO happy to see you here!!

      I totally relate to your nostalgic feeling. I don’t know if it’s just the effect of the pandemic, or if Life caught up with a lot of our blogging friends, but the atmosphere is clearly less festive than it used to. Luckily, some of us are holding the fort, and new faces are bringing a breath of fresh air 🙂

      Maybe a little party, from time to time, could help bring back that tight and welcoming bond between all of us? If enough people join in this weekend, I might consider throwing one once a month 😉

      I hope all’s well with your lovely little family! It is funny that you were the first to join the party, because I had a dream about you a couple of days back. I dreamt that I was meeting you, DJ and the little one… I vividly remember hugging DJ and telling him that I felt like I already knew him through your words and pictures.

      For those of you Lovelies who wouldn’t already know Mecha… Mkanz… Makcinz… this lovely young lady, you HAVE to take a minute to visit her blog! Mackenzie is one of the sweetest people I met during my years of blogging. The super nurse, and newly mom has a such a big heart that it is a mystery where she stores it in such a svelt body LOL. But as I’ve always said, make sure to eat before you drop by, because she is quite the foodie, and will make you hungry with her photos. Consider yourself warned 😛

      Gorgeous, thank you for coming! I have a variety of doughnuts, cookies and scones (not all homemade, I was a little short on time), to accompany your coffee, help yourself!

      Love you 🙂 *Big big hugs* to you and DJ xxx

      Liked by 1 person

      1. This comment back just made my whole morning!

        It feels good talking about this because it’s been on my mind for a while- good to know I’m not alone. I do think pandemic played a role now that I think about the timing. But I LOVE the idea of a parties to get the community bonding going again 😊.

        Awww that is too sweet! I would just love to make that a reality one day!! We will!!! Visiting Denmark is definitely on my list.

        Thank you for your super kind words, friend 🥹. And now I’m craving a Starbucks coffee with a side of botched name spelling 😉.

        Oh yummmm – I’ll try a sampling of each! 🤩

        Love you, Cyr!! Hugs right back!

        Liked by 1 person

  2. Hey Mackenzie! I haven’t seen you here in a while so hello again. I feel the same about the blog and just thought it was me getting burned out. I am missing a lot of bloggers that I knew three years ago or more and they have just disappeared. And thank you Cyranny for this idea I remember it used to be every weekend that you promoted this from another blogger Who’s name escaped my memory right now😳 C ! You are the queen of get togethers and you should be very proud of that. You have that warm inviting personality, not to mention your writing talent. Kudos Cyranny. I’m getting a few new followers each week which is great even though I feel like my ideas for blogging and running out. For me I live in Wyoming probably the worst red state there is and the elections are coming up 😳. I became a great grandmother this year which is my biggest news. I’ve been blogging over six years and started it to recover from a second bout of cancer and bring awareness that cancer is not a death sentence, so get your checkups! Then it developed into a hodgepodge. I have met so many great people from around the world here on this WordPress blog and that is the main reason that I stay. The meet I choose in this first response is: check out the blog at: A very interesting blog, great comments and feedback.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Dear Cheryl… We embarked this adventure pretty much at the same time, and it amazes me to see that we’re both still holding on after all of these years. Thank you for your loyal and remarkable support! Words can’t express my gratitude for counting you in, in each and every one of my silly projects 🙂

      I think the blogger you are talking about is Nikki from ”A Kinder Way”, isn’t it? She did throw amazing parties, and I met so many bloggers thanks to her!

      Talking about thanks… Thank you so much, Cheryl, for your kind words 🙂 I miss the times when comment sections were more important than anything we actually posted. I really have to work on that now that life is slowly coming back to normal 😉

      Congratulations on becoming a great grandmother… That’s so exciting! I hope you get to see the little one often! That’s one lucky baby, for being born in such a loving family 🙂 🙂 🙂

      If you don’t know Cheryl (@k@ The Bag Lady), run to her blog! She’s the coolest grand’ma in town, and a wise friend to have in your circle. And don’t mind her comment above… She might feel like she’s getting burned out, but her pen never seems to get tired. Cheryl is a versatile and prolific writer… Hit that ”Follow” button, you won’t be disappointed.

      Again, thanks a lot for being here, Cheryl. You’ll always have your VIP seat in The Cove! I love you lots, and send you *Big hugs* from Freezingland 😉

      Now, what drink can I get for you?? 😉


  3. Hey,
    I brought some Spinach Dip in a Bread Bowl! Hope you like Garlic.
    I’m Venus, from my blog Also known as Midlifecatlady.
    My blog is a True Life or Lifestyle Blog about me and my 3 beautiful cats.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Hey there Venus 🙂

      Thank you for dropping by!! And for bringing that delicious dip… Oh yuuuummmm! I love garlic, and if the others disagree, well, we’ll just get to keep it to ourselves 😛

      Venus is an awesome lady, I should know, I had the chance to welcome her to one of my Skypy Friday sessions. Don’t leave the party without a little detour to her blog to say ”hi” 😉

      Thanks again for joining! Please sit back and relax, V! I prepared a purple blanket just for you, in case the weather gets a little frisky 😉 *Big hugs*


  4. I’ve brought a gluten free chocolate layer cake. Don’t be put off by the Gluten free. If i hadn’t told you you would never know. I am Anne and I’m a horseaddict. No not that kind of horse the animal. Here is a link. I often write about horses, horse training, and horse shows .I have also recently done a series of interviews with Para Equestrians. I also respond to some photo challenges like the Lens Artists weekly challenge. I started my blog in 2016 and this is the first Blog party I have ever gone to. So cheers and nice to meet you.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Hello hello, Anne 🙂 Welcome to the party!

      Yum, yum yum, thank you for the cake. I’m sure you had everybody at ”chocolate” and no one’s going to miss the gluten 😉

      Everybody, meet Anne (if you haven’t already)… One of my Canadian-neighbour friends, Anne will open the door to the equestrian world to you if you just give the above link a little click. It doesn’t matter if you don’t know a thing about it, because Anne’s passion is just communicative. Plus, if you take the time to scroll a little, you’ll get to know Biasini, her awesome horse. What are you waiting for?

      Thank you for joining us, Anne 🙂 I can’t believe this is your very first Meet & Greet, since they were very popular when you created Horseaddict… I hope you’ll enjoy the experience. I’m hoping we’ll have many more guests along the weekend, and if you have to get up to go to the bathroom or refill your glass, you don’t need to worry; You definately have your VIP seat in The Cove 🙂 *Big hugs*

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Greetings. My name is Tony Burgess and I am a long-time blogger. My blog is about my life’s sacred, silly and serious stuff. I am always happy to share things that matter to me and hopefully other people. You are welcome to check out what is happening in my little corner of cyberspace at Be warned I do post quite a bit some days and some days not a lot. Grace and peace to you all.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Hey there Tony 🙂 So glad that you joined in!!

      It is so much fun to have a party like in the good old days… I hope you’ll enjoy yourself, and get a couple of new visitors over the weekend!

      Have a most lovely Sunday 🙂


  6. Oi! Hi there!
    I believe I’m quite late ain’t I? I hope my brigadeiros make up for it though, they are a simple but delicious traditional Brazilian chocolate dessert!
    I’m Lis, from my blog
    This is pretty much my first rodeo, I started blogging this year in the hope of finding a safe place to share my thoughts and feelings over everyday life and existence. “To be” has a way of being beautiful and confusing, doesn’t it? Anyways, I ended up finding a hole new world here, full of astonishing ideas and fellow writers. It’s a pleasure to meet you all!


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