Blogging · Kind Hearted Challenge · Mads Mikkelsen · Me myself and I · Thoughts

Be someone’s unicorn!



Unless you are lucky enough to live in a corner of the world where Covid-19 is taking a little break, you’re probably still spending most of your time at home. Here in Montréal, we’re not supposed to visit or invite anybody, if there are two or more people in our household.

I feel lucky to be stuck with Chéri.

If there’s one thing I’ve learnt the past eight months (or so) it is that I wouldn’t have wanted to share that much time with anybody else (well… I might have tried the challenge with Mads, but I guess I’ll have to wait until the next world pandemic).

Of course, some days, little details annoy me more than they would have, pre-covid. And I do miss my alone time every now and then. But all in all, it’s all good. And I don’t want to try to imagine how it would have been, if I had lived by myself.

But a lot of people have to live with that reality.

My next door neighbour (slash co-worker, slash dear friend) is one of them. She lives alone with her cat, and even if she is quite gregarious by nature, she stays home unless she really needs to go out, and respects our government’s recommendations religiously.

I try to make sure to keep in contact with her, to give her someone to reach to if she should need any kind of help. I dropped a couple of surprise deliveries on her doorstep, through our lockdown. A bottle of wine, to cheer from balcony to balcony, on Québec’s national holiday, and the occasional jar of homemade jam.

She really likes unicorns. And having bought a unicorn costume for Halloween (if you didn’t know, you can see it here), I knew I had to do something today. 

I had a unicorn card, I had bought a while ago, to give to her when the right time would come. I wrote a simple, though heartfelt message. Just telling her how much she meant to Chéri and I, how I didn’t want to be invasive, but that I was there if she needed me.

I put my unicorn costume on, and went knocking on her door to deliver my little message. We spent a little time chatting on her balcony, at a safe distance. 

We blew kisses and ran back home.

Not long after, I received a message, saying how a couple of words had made her day.

I think there were happy tears on both sides of our short Messenger conversation. 

I’m not writing this to look like a nice person. I just want to point out how easy it is to make a difference in other people’s lives. Especially now. If like me, you are lucky enough to spend your days and nights with people you love… Good for you! (Seriously, there is no sarcasm here) But I bet you know at least one person, living alone, that would enjoy a phone call, an email or a random little attention.

Reach out… It is not about saving anybody, or spending endless hours supporting people in need. But little unexpected gestures can make a difference.

I could make it a Kind Hearted Challenge , but I’m just asking you… If you can help, in the simplest way. It pays off.

I promise.

Be someone’s unicorn!



15 thoughts on “Be someone’s unicorn!

  1. Very good thought to share in this day and age. Here in the States we seemingly have lost our sense of compassion. It doesn’t cost anything to be kind or smile at someone. Nor does it cost anything to say I love you to your loved one’s, family or even friends and mean it. Kindness never hurt anyone.

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    1. I really don’t think that sense of compassion is lost… I just think we confused social distanciation with physical distanciation. It is ok to stay 6′ apart, but the connexion needs to be kept with our loved ones. Maybe we just have to be a little creative for a while. And you are right… Kindness doesn’t cost a dime, and it has never hurt anybody. Spread it profusely, we’ll all benefit from it 😉 *Big hugs* Hokey!


      1. Just read this again and appreciate it even more. Weve had over 1500 new Covid-19 cases just yesterday – in one day! Our city is talking mandatory masks, lock down…sad. People are hurting and need support. I have a friend in Florida I’ve known since we were 10 yrs old. She lost her husband to Alzheimer’s a while back. I text her a couple times a week just to say hello and let her know she’s not forgotten.

        Your unicorn gift was really cool. God bless you my dear Friend.


      2. Just read this again and appreciate it even more. Weve had over 1500 new Covid-19 cases just yesterday – in one day! Our city is talking mandatory masks, lock down…sad. People are hurting and need support. I have a friend in Florida I’ve known since we were 10 yrs old. She lost her husband to Alzheimer’s a while back. I text her a couple times a week just to say hello and let her know she’s not forgotten.

        Your unicorn gift was really cool. God bless you my dear Friend.


    1. Please do, Gorgeous 🙂 Too many people are going through these especially hard times all by themselves. They really deserve the little extra attention 🙂 *Big hugs*


    1. Thank you, Dear Suzanne! Hahahahaha that suit was the best 13$ investment I made in a long time… I think Chéri is already tired to see me wash the dishes or fill the bird feeder in it, LOL. What can I say? I feel like it gives me magic powers. I might be mistaken, but I would appreciate if people would let me believe that. 😛 At least during lockdown LOL

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