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Blocking the Block!

Dear Lovelies…

Like me, you have probably noticed the following, when you engaged into publishing a new post, recently:




I shuddered at the thought of having to use the new WordPress ”block” editor. I have flirted with it, out of curiosity, and I find it unnecessarily complicated. I know I would get used to it, but I consider that I shouldn’t have to. What will come next, imposed themes, because WordPress says so? (Exagerating here, I know… But still…)

I am especially shocked that I have to change my blogging ways, since I pay for my blogs. Not that I think that people who blog on free sites should be at WP’s mercy, but I am the customer here… Right?

It is pretty obvious to me that many of you share my angst when thinking about June 1st. I’m reading more and more posts of people mentionning that they don’t want to switch to the block editor.

Some of you think that even after being forced to go to ”block”, we’ll have the choice to switch back. I so hope you’re right. But a little voice in the back of my head is telling me that once we’re all on the new boat, WP will try to keep it that way.

So why not just speak up?

You might remember the Tygpress incident we went through in August of last year… Many of us thought that our voice could never be strong enough to shut a website stealing all of our posts down. Still, we did it… Together.

Together is a strong thing.

I don’t mean to plot a coup d’état against WordPress… I love WordPress, and I am sure the block editor was meant as a cool change. But if we don’t want that change, why not say so?

Believe me, if you like the new way, I’m glad for you… But if you don’t, speak up, say so in the comments below, and share this with your readers. If we stand together, we might get a guarantee that there will be a choice for all of us bloggers.





Via Fandango’s One Word Challenge: Block

73 thoughts on “Blocking the Block!

    1. Glad I could be of some help… It might have been an unpleasant surprise for you on June 1st!! I Really hope we’ll have the choice… I like the editor just as it is 😉

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I do too. I think I’m even using a previous editor (I haven’t changed since 2014. It took me a while to find it on my Mac.)

        I cannot think of any web site ever that updated that has been improved :-/

        Liked by 1 person

      2. I’ve been reading WP information about the change taking place on June 1st, and they do mention giving bloggers a choice after that day. But I still have some doubts… I guess we’ll just have to wait and see. *Fingers crossed*

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  1. Not seen it yet..probably coz I’m already using the block editor and I love it. I was initially hesitant to use it, but when I tried it, I saw how much more features it has. But I do understand that not everybody will like this change if they force it. They should give us an option to use them editors as per our choice. Or they could just probably add some of the features of block editor to the classic editor.

    Liked by 2 people

      1. Yeah. fingers crossed for you guys 🙂
        Btw, you didn’t tell about the lil something you had in mind you referred to on your june kind-hearted challenge post 😛

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Thank you 🙂

        Yeah, I’ve been thinking about it all week, but it’s been really busy around the house (I started tele-working, and things are a little bit crazy after an almost two months pause) I am catching up on my comments during the weekend, and I’ll write to you about the idea… I think it could be a lot of fun 🙂

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  2. The key here is whether or not WP will let those of us who don’t want to use the block editor to continue to use the classic editor. I blog on my iPhone and I tried the block editor and it is just not good to use on a smartphone.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Same for me. I blog on my phone as its only my phone where I have internet.
      It’s too busy and has more than I need, as well as just not being able to use it on my phone.

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    2. I read the information from WordPress, about the change to ”Block Editor” and it is said that we’ll have the choice to switch back to a ”Classic Editor”… It’s not totally clear to me. I might be wrong, but it feels like this classic version will be a replica of the editor I am using right now… I don’t really like that idea, why not just let the two versions available as they are? Hmmm… I might try to contact WP directly to have clearer informations 😉

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  3. Yes I’ve seen that too and my first response is not one I would sully your post with.
    As I recall the last ‘new editor’ was a nightmare to work with.
    If there is any chance to stick with the old one…..
    PS: Great Seal…ok if I use it?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hahhahahahaha thank you for sparing us your first thoughts 😉 I share your worries, and I will try to get clearer informations about the possibility of having both editors available. In the meanwhile, I think it is great to spread the word around, to know what bloggers in general think about it.

      Glad you enjoyed the seal… I borrowed it from Google (I thought this post needed a little humor to lighten it a bit) Please do share it aswell 🙂

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  4. I tried the block editor when it came out and after a couple of weeks, I went back to using the old editor which is so much easier to use. I don’t want to change. WordPress please take note. I have actually heard people say that it will cause them to close down their blogs and what a terrible shame that will be. It will devastate this wonderful blogging community.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. I’ve read many bloggers saying the same. And I do believe that people less skilled with technology, or less inclined to learning a brand new way of building posts will simply give up. I think that’s very sad… Others (like me) would only post less, at least at first, and of course, some people will do well with the change.

      I know that WP says they’ll leave a choice to use a replica of the old editor, but I am not sure it will be the version we’re using right now. Hopefully it will…

      Thank you for sharing your thoughts, Kristian! I’m sure the WP people are well minded, and if they see that many of us aren’t willing to change our way of blogging, it might make a difference 😉 *Fingers crossed*

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  5. If I’m forced to use the Block, that will be the end of my blogging career–where do we vote or let our opinions be known to WP??

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Hello Rhen! First, thank you for sharing your thoughts! Many bloggers are in the same position you are, and that worries me a lot. A lot of great blogs are at stake if June 1st’s change doesn’t allow us to have the choice to keep this good ol’ editor as it is.

      I am going to do more research with WordPress, and I hope to have good news to spread around soon 🙂

      If you want to leave your opinion, you can do it here, as another comment… I’ll tell WP people to have a look at my post, if the news aren’t good for us.

      Oh, and if you know other bloggers who are worried, and consider closing down their blog if they don’t have the possibility to keep things as they are, please invite them to come and share their thoughts too!


      1. I’ve contacted WP Support, made my position clear. They will email me as soon as they can, considering delays due to pandemic.

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      2. Yes–If/when I hear from WP, I will try to remember to let you know pronto! 🙂 Thank you for everything, blessings to you ❤

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  6. I tried the new block editor yesterday. It was okay, but I prefer the classic editor. I found a way (in the settings, I think) to change back from the block to the classic. If that option still remains, I’m fine, but otherwise, why the change? Please justify WP (and preferably leave as is).
    Love the seal 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. The cute seal seems to be very popular 😉 I’m glad I added it!

      If you click on the ”learn more” link, you’ll see WP’s reasons for changing to the Block Editor… I think that for people with editing skills, there are probably interesting options added in the new version. But I don’t think that all of us need that change.

      Thank you for sharing your thoughts, Chris, and if you know any blogger who has worries or doubts about what will happen on June 1st, please invite them to come here and share it with us too!!

      The more people we’ll have, expressing apprehension, the stronger our voice will be, if we need it 🙂

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  7. I really hope that WordPress people mean to do what they say – that is that they will keep the classic editor as an option for those who want it – but I have a similar feeling as you that it might not really be the case, or not for long after June 1st.
    I’ve just played around with the new editor earlier today, to see if it’s really that bad as it seems and if it will be bad for me, and to get myself prepared for what’s ahead and figure out how to switch between those two editors. And, well, I suppose I could get used to it if I really had to, which would probably take me quite some time, but I’m definitely not a fan. After some testing I spent a good half an hour just trying to get out of it back to the classic editor. 😀 In the end I did get back to it, rather accidentally so I’m not sure I’d be able to repeat the trick again, and since it seems like it’s not only me having problems with it, I think it won’t be a good change for most of us at all.
    Still, I feel lucky that at least the editor seems fairly accessible with my screenreader called NVDA (which doesn’t mean that it’s intuitive and user-friendly), because I’ve heard something about it being completely not usable with another screenreader widely used among the blind which is called Jaws. Which absolutely sucks since from what I know WordPress has always been the most accessible blogging platform. So I hope they do something about it so that we can decide for ourselves whether we want the change or not, or at least make the new editor accessible for everyone if everyone will have to use it.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts! I know a number of blind bloggers, and some mentionned that the block editor wasn’t an option to them.. Thanks to your explanation, I now understand why.

      As I said in other comments, I believe that there will be a ”classic editor” version available (at least for some time), but it isn’t clear to me if it will be the exact editor I use now, or a replica to please people like me who don’t want to go to the trouble of ”getting used to” the new block editor. I’ll sure try to investigate that over the weekend.

      I too think that I could ”get used to” this new way of blogging, but I wonder why we should have to adjust, if a large part of the blogging community is happy as things are.

      I hope to have good news to spread around soon! 🙂

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  8. I attempted to use it and found it botched up my work. I had to physically make all the changes as opposed to writing and copying. My mom told me that the work she received was awful and full of spelling errors. Me capable of spelling errors!!!! LOL Of course I am but I tend to double check any spelling I am unsure. I do not like it at all and am hopeful that they will give us the option of choice. Thought that they tried to roll out the block editor previously and there was backlash. Have reblogged on The Wacky……..

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Oh my, Jay-lyn… Sorry you went through this kind of troubles with the new version! Since blogging is a hobby and not a job (well, for me, at least), I think it shouldn’t get more complicated than it is now. I’m sure having to find their way through all the new features would suck the fun out of blogging for many of us… Let’s hope the classic editor will be there to stay!!

      Thank you for the reblog 🙂 xx


  9. I hope WP is smart enough to make this optional? Don’t force me to use/learn something new if I’m happy with what I already use. You won’t like me when I’m pissed off.

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    1. I really hope so too! I’ve had four years of happy blogging so far, and I’d like that to keep things that way 😉 Glad we have you on our side, if things should get ugly 😛 (I’m sure they won’t, but you never know, do you?)


  10. 🙂 I am one of those people who switched over to it when it was in beta (It was one of the craziest things that I ever did).

    I did not like the Block editor in its early stages because it was buggy.

    I must admit that the Block editor has come along way.

    Also, the Block editor has lots of features.

    The block editor is one of those things that needs to grow on you (You can think of it as an acquired taste).

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Hi there, Renard 🙂

      Thank you for sharing your thoughts about this coming switch. I like the ”acquired taste” thing… And I do believe that a lot of us could get used to the block editor, if we had to. We’d probably even forget we ever used the classic version.

      I’m glad the block editor is available for bloggers who like to try new things, and who are more comfortable with a certain level of technology… But I hope the classic editor will stay for those of us who are more conservative too 😉

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  11. I have moaned about this on my blog too. It’s too busy for me. I can’t use it.
    But when it’s forced on us and the current editor goes, the classic one is still going to be available still. WordPress said this in a comment on their post when I was looking around to find out more about it and how evrryone feels too.
    There is a mixed bag of feelings and there is a bit of confusion too. But a majority, whether they blog free, or paid, are not a fan of the block editor.

    My blog is free, but I agree with you that those that pay should be listened to and I don’t feel they are. WordPress want to do this end of.

    As we know what WordPress are like if been blogging for a few years or more you know they change their minds a lot. I can’t help but wonder a year or more down the line, that they remove classic editor. If they do and it means block editor is only option, then I am finished with blogging.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hello Liz 🙂

      Thank you for sharing your thoughts about this coming change… I hesitated before publishing this post, because I didn’t want to be just a whiner in a Bloggosphere where most people were ready for the move. But after reading many comments on different blogs, showing that I wasn’t the only one feeling this way, I had to check what the people around me thought about it.

      It seems like a lot of us are not ready for a complete change in our blogging habits. As you might have read, many people are considering closing down their blogs if the classic editor isn’t an option anymore in a near future, like you mentionned. That would be terrible 😦

      Paying or not, I hope WordPress will listen to what people want and don’t want 🙂

      Here’s to many more happy years of blogging!! 🙂 xx

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  12. I have seen that a lot of people do not like this block editor. But I like it. I like fooling around with changing the colors of blocks and the color of the text. I find this editor very easy to deal with.

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    1. Hello Anne 🙂 I answered your comment when I first read it, but for some reason, it seems like it didn’t work. Grrr.

      I’m glad to have a positive opinion about the block editor 🙂 I wouldn’t want WP to take a step back, because I know that many people enjoy it, just like you. Who knows, in a little while, my opinion might change… (We have a saying in French that says that only fools never change their minds). I just hope I’ll be able to keep my classic editor until then…

      Have a lovely Sunday 🙂 xx


  13. I read Krisian’s reblog of this post and left a comment over there with regards to what I found helpful and unhelpful re: the new editor. Like yourself, I prefer the old, but I’m not your new, with-it, tech-smart business type who implants videos, posts galleries, puts in ads & price schedules, does bullet lists, etc.
    I’m glad they are still giving up an option; maybe in a few years that would disappear or maybe they’re waiting to see how many bloggers actually will make the change before going whole-hog and deleting the Classic editor.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hello Christine 🙂

      Thank you for leaving your comment here, I must say that I probably would have missed it on Kristian’s blog 😉 We’re on the same page, I am not super tech-smart either, and I felt distracted by the block version when I tried it.

      I agree that WP people will probably monitor how many people switch to block and how many stick to the classic editor, to decide how long they keep the latter. I hope I won’t have to change my blogging ways in a near future… Enough has changed in my life in the last two months 😉

      Have a lovely Sunday!! 🙂

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  14. “unnecessarily complicated”
    That is exactly what it is!
    Another insult in a world that is slapping us in the face and telling us to fall in line.
    Wear a mask, stay at home, wash your hands. Trash your learning curve – we’ve got a new one to keep you busy!
    Don’t make waves. Act responsibly. Roll over and play dead.
    So you thought you were free huh? Muuuaaahhhaaaa!!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Hehehehehe I sure can feel your frustration! I agree that with all the changes that happened so quickly in our lives in just a couple of months, this feels all the more restrictive at first sight. I really hope the classic editor will remain an easy option for all of us not ready to switch to the new, more technological version, and for a long while…

      Thank you for sharing your thoughts, I hope you’ll have a lovely Sunday 🙂

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    1. To be quite honest, I don’t know… I know that when I tried it, every time I hit the ”enter” key, it would open a new ”block” and after a while, trying to make lists, and to edit my post, I’d get block after block after block, and got a bit lost in the middle of my mess 😛

      I know that I would get used to it after a while, but that would mean several weeks of cursing and not so spontanious blog posting. Definately not me-friendly.

      Maybe someone like Anne could answer your question, since she is using the block editor, and enjoying it 🙂

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  15. In answer to “mydangblog”: I typed out part of a post last night in WordPerfect; now I’ve copy-pasted it into my latest blog post. That part works fine and probably always will.
    What DOESN’T work fine is trying to edit it as one block. I couldn’t justify everything at once; I had to go paragraph by paragraph because the Block editor looks at each paragraph as a separate block. Same for changing the font color. You can change a sentence within a block, but not several blocks at once.

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      1. I hope so, but batting for the block side here I find it much better than the old way.
        Maybe I could skype with you sometime and show you why I think it’s cool


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