Blogging · Me myself and I · Montreal · Thoughts

On the street where I live…

I like Fandango.

The good man is cool, brilliant, funny, creative and seems to spend all of his time on The Internets… What’s not to like about him as a blogger, right? I like his weekly invitations, such as the Fandango Friday Flashback and Fandango’s Flash Fiction Challenge.

I just can’t turn down his requests, and today he asked us to get outside (whuuuut? Outside = BAD, don’t you know that, Fandango??) and take pictures of our street…

Well, you’re in luck, because I was cleaning up the balcony this afternoon (I read there was no evidence that covid-19 knows how to climb, and I live on the second floor) so I just took my cell phone with me, and took these two pictures:



Looking to the North



Looking to the South


Voilà! Nothing particularly exciting to see, but that’s where I live…

If you’d like to share your street with Fandango too, just post pictures of your neighbourhood, and link them to this page.

2 thoughts on “On the street where I live…

  1. Ooh, your opening comments on this post made me blush ☺️ Thank you. I like you too, Cyranny. Next thing you know we’ll start passing notes in class! Seems like you live on a very nice tree-lined street. Thanks for sharing your street with us.

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