A to Z Challenge · Blogging · challenge · poetry · short · Thoughts

Divine – A to Z Haïku



Trust me, close your eyes
Find that flame within your heart…
Divine lies in you!

17 thoughts on “Divine – A to Z Haïku

      1. Awww good news!! That makes my day 🙂 🙂 🙂 We’re all good, so far… Chéri & I haven’t left our apartment in almost 2 weeks now, and we’re healthy. My parents still work (can you believe that this day, last year, Dad was having his heart surgery?… I am so greatful it didn’t wait for a year, we couldn’t have visited him at the hospital, and we would have been dead scared about him catching covid-19) but they are being super careful…

        *big big big hugs* It’s so good to know you are well and safe!!

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Yes, thank goodness that what happened to your father was year ago. I’m so happy to hear that all of you are safe and healthy.
        I have missed all of you over the last few months, but I will be coming back within the week. I seriously need my blogging buddies bak in my life!!!
        Huge Hugs!!! 🤗

        Liked by 1 person

      3. And we need you!!! 🙂 I’m sure I am not the only one who’ll make a happy dance when you’re back for good, hehehehe Take good care in the meanwhile 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

      4. Such a lovely thing to say, thank you, Catherine.
        I only have a lousy six inches to crochet on the humongous blanket I’ve been working on. I can’t wait to be done with it in order to be with all of you!!!!
        I just saw Kristian’s post and that brought the biggest smile to my face. 🤗
        This whole time of me being away has felt like being away from my home. I can’t wait to come back!!!
        Love you!!! 😘

        Liked by 1 person

  1. Congratulations on writing haiku for your A to Z. So difficult to pull off in English. Easier in Japanese, although don’t master the language enough to compose poetry in it. Happy A to Z. Keep inspired and divine.


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