Blogging · challenge · Fiction · short

Perfect evening out – #1MinFiction


The perfect little black dress. Maybe a tad too classy for the occasion, but I knew he’d like it anyway… Sipping on my cocktail, an eye discreetly staring at the entrance… It would have been the perfect evening out, had I not been waiting for about an hour when my cell phone vibrated on the wooden counter.

It was him. It was Lou.

ca’nt do tiss tonighht. Sory. Am Wastad!



This is my attempt at Monday’s One-minute Fiction prompt, hosted by Lovely Curses and a wink at Lou, our fellow blogger. This week, the inspiration is “Wasted”. Feel free to join in by clicking on the link above!

14 thoughts on “Perfect evening out – #1MinFiction

      1. I hate to be redundant, but the word of the week is certainly “tired”… I am doing good, mood-wise though 🙂

        How about yourself, dear Bag Lady? 🙂 xx


      2. LOL I wanted to tell you they had refused because it is not a real word… but IT IS… So I am officially going to ask them to consider it! OMG if I hadn’t promised myself not to post, I’d put on a petition in The Cove 😛 😛 😛 😛


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