
Gods and Goddesses…

Yesterday I had a mild disagreement with Lucas about the Scandinavian Goddess Freja I have named my kitten after. A bit pompous?… Maybe.

I doubt Freja will ever measure the importance of her name. That would be quite surprising.

And I never thought I would argue with a Dane about Scandinavian mythology. Especially with Lucas. But hey! Sometimes I know I am right, and this time was one them…

After my private lesson, and an extra treat of Christmas song singing and Queen Margrethe’s impression, Lucas went back home and I took my tablet to catch up with all the Gods and Goddesses Vikings used to pray and fear.

As always, I didn’t really trust the Internets… But not having an actual mythology book in my library, it would have to do the job for now. (Note to self: get a proper book)

I can’t believe I haven’t paid more attention to all those tales before… I had read a bit about it after starting to watch the series Vikings, but mostly about the best known characters; Odin, Thor, Loki and such…

I like the idea that Scandinavian Gods were mortal and could be wounded… I like all the creatures and the complicated plots. And already living in a virtual world, I could use a little of that Northern magic in my realm…

I have a wandering mind, sometimes people find that weird, sometimes it scares… Sometimes… And I wonder if I should tame it or not. And be it the wisdom of years gone by, or mere selfishness, I have decided to do whatever feels good inside.

So bring me an eight legged horse and Brisingar’s necklace, and I’ll be in business. Ready to conquer…

Oh, and by the way, I was right.

Valhalla was the ultimate goal for any Viking. Half of the killed fighters were welcomed to Valhalla by Odin. They kept fighting in the afterlife, dying again and again and coming back to life, getting prepared for the battle of the end of time. Freja was taking care of the other half of the deceased…

Heaven’s caretaker… I like!




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