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1, 2, 3… Chill!! (July 21st FFF)

I was invited (well, not personally, but still) to Fandango’s Friday Flashback!

Fandango scrolls back, every Friday, and gives a second chance to a post he had published on the same date, years before. I thought it was a great way to remember some of the stuff I did a while back, and I decided to participate…

So here it is!

Written on July 21st of 2017, here is one of Freja’s collaborations in The Cove. It reminded me that I should lure her into working together again, because she’s way more witty than me. And definately cuter too.  But don’t worry, when her ego inflates, I make sure she remembers I have the opposable thumbs, and that her litter box won’t empty itself, if she kills me in my sleep.

I hope you’ll enjoy it (again), and I wish you’re safe and well, wherever you are… 🙂


for Nikki’s Creative Prompt – Week 6 : What’s your chill?


While wondering about the best way to chill, I thought I’d ask the chilling master… Freja! She basically lives to chill, and maybe, if I petted her the right way, I could get some advice…

So I walked around the apartment, to find the beast in one of her favorite chilling spots, and here’s what she looked like…




I asked the furball, and waited for her words of wisdom about chilling…

me – Hey Miss Fluffy, I need help for my blog… Can you tell me how to chill, cat style?

her – *staring as if I didn’t exist*

me – Freja??

her – Oh, right… Chilling….   *back to staring*

me – So…?

her – Itz easy Mum… Just be!

me – *staring*

her – Exactly, you got it!  *eyes closing…. end of discussion*

Now, most people would be disappointed at this point, but I think she said it all… Just be. That’s the perfect and purest way to chill… To sit back, chase all the worries, and the questions, and the planning, and the thoughts that clutter your mind, and just be for a moment. To just exist and breathe, and…. Be.

I didn’t say it was easy, nor did she…. Though she seems to be pretty good at reaching that level on the chill scale!

Go ahead, allow yourself ten minutes of pure feline chill! Lay down, just focus on being here and now…  You can thank Miss Freja later!



You can visit the original post here.

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