Blogging · Me myself and I · Thoughts

Happy Bloggerversary, my little Cove!



There are moments in your life, when you start something, or meet someone,  not knowing where it’ll lead you. Moments when you take a certain turn to the left or to the right, to discover only years later, how much that simple moment has changed your life.

Seven years ago, I was subscribing to WordPress, and creating The Cove.

Just like about any other hobby I had previously had, I was expecting to learn how to blog, have fun with it for a while, and then move on to something else.

But seven years have passed, since, and I am still here.

The Cove is not only a collection of my thoughts and dreams, penned daily. It is above all the sum of all the people that visited it at one point or another. Just passing by, or here to stay. All the people I’ve only seen once, and those who earned a VIP seat in my little lair. Also the sum of people it lead me to.

You Lovelies…

Now, thursday is not the best night of the week, to throw a celebration. But I thought that we could gather this weekend, and enjoy a good ol’ Meet & Greet Party.

There will be no dress code. You don’t have to bring anything, except maybe a friend (or two), a link to your blog and your best dancefloor moves. I’ll provide snacks and drinks for everybody, and might have a surprise or two for you…

So what do you say? Want to mingle a little and have fun meeting new bloggers? Well stay tuned for my invitation post saturday, and drop by whenever it suits you during the weekend. I’ll make sure to keep an eye on the party and entertain you Lovelies to my best!

I really hope to see you there. Hey! Seven years, it is worth a little party, right?

12 thoughts on “Happy Bloggerversary, my little Cove!

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