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Too good. (November 12th FFF)

I was invited (well, not personally, but still…) to join the Fandango’s Friday Flashback!

Fandango scrolls back, every Friday, and gives a second chance to a post he had published on the same date, years before. I thought it was a great way to remember some of the stuff I did a while back, and I decided to participate…

So here it is!

Written on November 12th of 2017, here is a romantic piece of fiction. I was taking part in Sarah Doughty’s Novem Notes Challenge. I dearly miss that music inspired challenge, and I hope she’ll invite us to participate again next year… I hope you’ll enjoy it (again). And I wish you’re safe and well, wherever you are…




It’s not you, really. How could it be your fault? You’re too good a man for me. Reliable, loyal, always there for me. You hold my heart in your hands, and warm it with your thoughtful words when it is blue. You lift me up above your own ideals, when I feel the need to dream…

You… You’re so damn smart. If I didn’t have this crazy love for you, it’d almost be annoying. You could play Mr Knowitall, yet you keep your amazing knowledge to yourself. You force my endless admiration, and you never patronize me when you feed me your dreamy stories about the other ends of the Earth.

When you leave my sight, I look for you everywhere in the crowd. No one compares to you, and my gaze couldn’t get satisfied caressing any other silhouette. You know how I like to laugh when you point out this or that about your body, that you don’t appreciate. I laugh, wholeheartedly, because the sum of all your so-called flaws adds up to the only man I’d want to see by my side, when I wake up in the morning.

Only your hands know how to make my body sing… I always crave the feeling of your skin against mine, and no other lover could drive me away from your arms. You instinctively know when I want passion, and when I prefer to cuddle tenderly against you. If I could choose to, your lips would be the last thing I’d want to taste when I am about to leave this life.

And that is why I have to go, now. Because eventually things will go wrong one way or another. I’ll fuck things up, and it’ll hurt like Hell. And you’ll leave, and I’ll miss you even more… I can’t let you leave me. I won’t let you.

I might not be all that, but I too have a secret talent.

I’m just too good at goodbyes…

#NovemberNotes2017 –  Too Good at Goodbyes * Sam Smith

In response to November Notes Writing Challenge by  Sarah Doughty of Heartstring EulogiesRosema from A Reading Writer and Máh from Writing is my Pensieve.❤



You can visit the original post here.

2 thoughts on “Too good. (November 12th FFF)

  1. Goodness, I remember this one. Loved it then, loved it still. I’m hoping next year to bring this challenge back. I’ve missed it and always enjoy writing pieces as musical inspiration. Like a mini soundtrack. 😊


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