Blogging · challenge · Cibelle & Vohne · fantasy · NYC Challenge

Ephemeral colors…

  Following a fresh deer trail, Vohne suddenly noticed a subtle shivering spreading through the canopy. Running his hand along a tall maple tree’s trunk, he felt a goosebumpy texture on the bark. The yearly ceremony had started. Back home, Cibelle had prepared her setup carefully. Pots and jars filled with warm-colored sparkling powders, and…… Continue reading Ephemeral colors…

Blogging · funny · Me myself and I · Thoughts

A cluckin’ good deal…

Since the beginning of the pandemic, Chéri and I have had our groceries delivered to our door. It has its ups and downs. For one thing, it a little bit like a lotery, every week. Because ordering stuff doesn’t mean that it will make it home. Sometimes the items missing are not a big surprise…… Continue reading A cluckin’ good deal…

Blogging · challenge · Word of the day

Gobble – Word of the Day Challenge

GOBBLE is the Word of the Day today. Write a poem, story or anecdote inspired by this word. Please create a ping-back to your post by including a link to this page in whatever you are posting. If you want to participate create a ping-back to link your post. Not sure how to do that? […]GOBBLE…… Continue reading Gobble – Word of the Day Challenge