Blogging · challenge · Fiction · stories · Thoughts

Dreaming a dream… – FFFC

She started rolling left and right in the bed. He knew what it meant. Pulling the sheets up to his nose, he closed his eyes really tight, hoping to fool her with absolutely no success. Mornin’ Sweet Pea! – Yawning – I just had the weirdest dream… The six words he dreaded. Let me tell…… Continue reading Dreaming a dream… – FFFC

#1MinFiction · Blogging · challenge · Fiction · short · Thoughts

November 18th #1MinFiction Challenge

I took over the prompt, as an homage to Nortina’s late ”One Minute Fiction” challenge. What’s the ”One Minute Fiction” challenge about? Easy. Each week I’ll provide a prompt to inspire you to write a very short story. The idea is to manage to type your whole story in a minute or less. Of course,…… Continue reading November 18th #1MinFiction Challenge

Blogging · challenge · Word of the day

Abject – Word of the Day Challenge

The Word of the Day is Abject Write a poem, story or anecdote inspired by this word. Please create a pingback to your post by including a link to this page in whatever you are posting. If you want to participate create a pingback to link your post. Not sure how to do that? See […]ABJECT…… Continue reading Abject – Word of the Day Challenge