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Unexpected reunion – FFFC



Sitting on the bed footing, she opened the mysterious envelope delicately.

She had no idea what it held, but it had to be something special. Very special… Her fingers brushed softly over her name, written in red cursive letters. No adress, no sender’s information, only her name neatly calligraphed.

She turned the envelope over, let the content slip on the table, and a long shiver ran down her spine. Unfolding the little accordeon, she held it in the air close to the window to let the sunrays reveal a series of pictures. They were negatives, but she recognized the silhouettes right away.

There was no note attached to the strange set of photographies, but she didn’t need any explanation anyway. Her gaze waltzed from picture to picture, and she felt her heart racing thinking about what this little strip meant.

She thought about telling her daughter, but it was a little early to take that risk. She had waited for that sign for years, and to see Tammy and her playing in the garden on film, was the final confirmation that he was coming back.

She lay down on the bed and a tear rolled on her cheek.

At long last…

Closing her eyes, she smiled as she remembered his sparkling grey eyes and his wide smile. Thinking that he had come close enough to her to shoot these pictures made her dizzy.

Her psychiatrist would go mad, if she told her what she knew. They had gone through unthinkable trouble to ”save” her and Tammy from him. They had even put them under witness protection… They said he had kidnapped her. She disagreed.

They would soon reunite. And Tammy would get to know her dad. She didn’t mind if the rest of the world disagreed.

Stockholm syndrome my ass…


Via Fandango’s Flash Fiction Challenge

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