Blogging · flags · Me myself and I · Thoughts

Guess what!


They are back!

(if you don’t know what I am talking about, you can catch up here)

I wouldn’t suggest that my whining had anything to do with it. I actually think Saumya was right when she said that WP was probably just updating something about the flags. One way or the other, the result is the same…





*sigh of relief*

And I must say that I enjoyed complaining about my lost flags. Because when the worst thing you have to whine about is something as silly as that, it must mean that things are going pretty well otherwise, right?

5 thoughts on “Guess what!

  1. I admit I find the flags fascinating. I wonder what people in far away places are thinking reading a blogpost about a horse or better yet a horse speaking on a blog. Glad your flags are flying again!


  2. I love to see how far away my blog reaches–it’s so cool to know that someone across the world is getting a kick out of something I said (I hope). Glad you got your flags back!


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