Blogging · cinema · Me myself and I · Montreal · Thoughts

Turning my brain off.

Might sound a little dark, but it really isn’t.

As you might have read yesterday, today was my first day of a short vacation. I really needed to give my crazy brain from spinning, and the perfect solution was there for the taking; Montreal World Film Festival!

So this morning I made myself a sandwich, gathered a few things to nibble on, and I headed downtown, to Cinema Imperial.


I love discovering gems from around the world, and Cinema Imperial is the most comfortable theater to spend hours watching foreign magic on the big screen.

I sat there, I stopped thinking about all the things that spin in my head these days.

I watched three movies… “The Two Brothers” (from Portugal), “Dying to Survive” (from China) and “Curtiz” (from Hungary).

I came out of the room with a much clearer head. My hamster has definately taken a break, and I am ready to enjoy the days to come to the fullest.

A warm “thank you” for all of you who left kind words wishing me a good vacation! I didn’t mean to be so quiet today, but there was no wi-fi where I was, and to tell the truth, I think it was a good thing. I’ll get back to all of you tomorrow!

What do you do give your swirling, sometimes overwhelming thoughts? I am curious!


16 thoughts on “Turning my brain off.

    1. Thank you, Miriam 🙂 I will for sure, the first two days have already helped a lot… And tomorrow is Labor Day, and everything is closed around here. So it will be a pajamas day for sure… No alarm clock, plenty of blogging time, and nice cooking without a schedule… Awwww I needed this 🙂 I hope you’re doing well too! xx

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    1. I have to try meditation again sometime… I enjoyed it when I was younger, but I lost the habit. I love kayaking too, but that’s also something I haven’t done in year…. But you know what? We’ll have one (kayak) at the cabin we are renting next weekend! Guess who’s going to go try it out? 😉

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  1. A good sandwich and hiding in a dark theatre sounds perfect! Happy vacay! I also get off the wheel films and usually going for a walk to window shop, buy a candle or Pinterest my dream closet. I love clothes and used to feel guilty about loving fashion but now I see how it helps to just live sometimes.

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  2. This sounds like a wonderful time to decompress a bit! I am not a big movie person, but lately I have been craving a good movie (like the whole experience of going!). After reading this I definitely need to schedule one in. Hope you feel more zen now, Cyra! Have a great rest of the vacay…. doin’ what you need to do for YOU!


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