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Mystery Blogger Award…


January 12th:

I was nominated a second time for this award, and decided to add the questions (and answers) to my previous post… I would like to send my warmest thanks to Karen for the nomination on  What if we all cared. Karen spreads her kindness through her blogging, and shares daily about her life through pictures and stories…

January 9th:

This morning, a nice surprise awaited me when I opened my tablet to catch up with the Bloggosphere. Simon had nominated me for the Mystery Blogger Award! If you haven’t visited Planet Simon yet, I strongly recommend you did. Looking like a very Sci-Fi blog at first (and there are sci-fi stories and artwork…), Simon also posts pictures, quotes, bits and pieces of his life, and the man is one great blogger to mingle with!!

Thank you again for the nomination, Simon & ! Here’s my take on it…



Mystery Blogger Award:

“It’s an award for amazing bloggers with ingenious posts. Their blog not only captivates; it inspires and motivates. They are one of the best out there, and they deserve every recognition they get. This award is also for bloggers who find fun and inspiration in blogging, and they do it with so much love and passion.”
Created by Okoto Enigma.

The rules are:

  • Put the award logo/image on your blog.
  • List the rules.
  • Thank whoever nominated you and provide a link to their blog.
  • Mention the creator of the award and provide a link as well.
  • Tell your readers 3 things about yourself.
  • You have to nominate 10 – 20 people.
  • Notify your nominees by commenting on their blog.
  • Ask your nominees any 5 questions of your choice; with one weird or funny question (specify).
  • Share a link to your best post(s).



Here are my answers to Karen’s questions;

1. What is your heart’s desire and why? – I think being at peace, ultimately. I tend to inflict pressure on myself trying to meet expectations that are not reasonable. Knowing my limits, and accepting what I can’t change would be a nice start!

2. What one day of your life would you put on infinite repeat? That’s a tough one. If I could change it lightly from time to time, like in the groundhog day movie, I’d say a vacation day I spent in Carcassonne, France, with my back then boyfriend. We visited museums, a falconry, enjoyed beautiful weather and the sceneries around the castle… We enjoyed a wonderful meal and slept inside the medieval city. I was madly in love, still naive and young… Come to think of it, I wonder why I never wrote about that 😛

3. What is your favorite blog post you’ve written? Again… Wow, tough. I have written a looot of posts, most of them not really memorable. But here’s one that I really enjoyed writing, and that came to mind when I read the question… It is a little fiction story, The Little Green House .

4. Name one place you’ve never been but would like to vacation. Hmmm I’d like to go to California. In fact, I’d love to go on a roadtrip all along the West coast… Take my time, stop wherever I please… Yup! And meet Mackmarie, the sweetest girl in Cali 🙂

5. If you were in the circus what would your role be? Can I be a lion, please?


Here are my answers to Simon’s questions;

  1. What’s do you hope to better yourself in this year? – I think the main thing I want to achieve this year, is to unburden myself from everything unnecessary in my life. That will leave more place for what’s really important for me, and among that, I’d like to push my writing to a new level… Who knows what I could make out of it?
  2. What was your favourite Christmas yummy? – I don’t have much of a sweet tooth, but one of my Christmas must-have food is a traditional Quebecois meatpie called cipaille. My mom makes it only on Christmas Eve, and it just wouldn’t be Christmas if we didn’t have it… I could eat it for breakfast, lunch and dinner!
  3. What in the world now worries you most or would you like to see change? – Terrorism. Those so-called lone wolves… I always thought I shouldn’t change my way of living because of them. I don’t want to fear traveling, or living in a major city… But I often find myself wondering ‘what if?’ I wish we didn’t have that suspicious feeling when looking at strangers…
  4. What’s your favourite biscuit? – My mom’s peanut butter cookies are totally addictive!
  5. What is on Netflix right now that you can’t help watching? – I am not a Netflix girl… But a series I can’t skip on TV is ‘Vikings’! (go figure… LOL)


Three things about me…

I lived in Africa for five years… In Guinea, where my father got a job, when I was eleven years old. One of the greatest experiences of my life, I’ll never thank my parents enough for having the balls to move so far from their families to give us this opportunity.

Writing is an extremely long process for me… I know, surprising, knowing how regularly I publish posts. Occasionally, a story will flow easily on the keyboard, but in general, I have to sit down for a long time before words find their way.

I can’t go anywhere without a bottle of water. If you meet me someday, I will have a bottle in my purse, I can guarantee that. I had a medical condition, in my twenties, that prevented me from drinking more than a sip or two at a time… To keep hydrated, I took the habit of keeping a bottle at hand at all times. Even if I can now drink normally, the habit stuck with me, and I get nervous if I don’t have instant access to water!



My nominees:

It’s me Saraa

Being Lydia

Mrs Completely

Irene Design

Yesterday After

Suziland Too or Obsolete Childhood

Biff Sock Pow

Speedy the Cheeky Rex Rabbit

It’s Good to Be Crazy Sometimes

Therapy Bits


The Bag Lady

Born in Providence

Scottish Legends



My questions for the nominees:

  1. If you wrote the story of your life, what would the title be?
  2. Would you rather be stuck alone on an island, or with someone who gets on your nerves, but provides company?
  3. If you could re-live one day of your life, what would you want to experience again?
  4. Would you rather spend vacation in your own town, with a blank check to pay for your expenses, or travel abroad, but on a tight budget?
  5. What advice could you give me, from your blogging experience?



The challenge requires to share the link to my best post, but I don’t know which one that would be… So I went through some of my posts, and this one is a story that had some success with readers, so I guess it should do the trick!  The peddler


There…  Again, warm thanks to Simon & Karen for the nominations 🙂 It is always a pleasure to get an award to hang on my wall!   Muuuah!

43 thoughts on “Mystery Blogger Award…

  1. Thank you so much Cyranny for including me between your nominations! I appreciate you very much my dear friend and I am honored about this great award from you. My Blog now is Award Free, but I have a special Award’s page and I will post it there as my token of appreciation linking to your Blog! Thank you hugs and much love! ❤

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Aw, I certainly appreciate to shout out. I promise. It’s great to be acknowledged by peers. But, I went award free a while ago. I may drop some of the answers to your comment section every now and then anyway though. Like now: the title of my book would be Rusty Gold. 😃

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thanks again for the nomination, Simon! It is surprising how these Award questions are thought provoking sometimes… I really enjoy sharing through them 🙂 xx


    1. Thank you, Colin 🙂

      I only left you out of the list, because I thought you weren’t into blogging these days… You know I would have, first thing, if you had been active online lately…

      I added you 🙂 Get to it now 🙂 🙂 🙂 I know I won’t be the only one happy to see you post something 🙂 *Hugs*


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