
Take your pills Mother Nature!

As a wiseful friend said to me recently, if you have a conversation with someone and don’t even mention the weather, that is a good sign you had a great talk…

True, especially here I would say.

I remember when I lived in Africa. It seemed Mother Nature visited only twice a year. She probably had a on/of switch. Days were sunny and hot and cloudless for months and then one day BAM! The next it was raining. And we knew there would be rain every day and lightening storms every night for the next months. Until Mother Nature came back during fall, and turn the switch off again.

Not the case here… Some will say that Québec’s weather is entertaining. It does provide a good small talk subject, since it is so changing. Almost a loterie.

Why do I even mention it today?

Let’s recap this week. (And we are only Wednesday) Last Sunday we had rain. Of course the temperature was pretty comfortable, but because of the moisture in the air, it seemed a lot less comfortable. Monday; windy freaking freezing day. Tuesday; nice temperature, but snow all day… And this morning the sun is out, and I don’t have the courage to check what the thermometer is indicating…

Mother Nature, please consider medication!



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