
Still pretty new year…

We humans are funny…

The turn of a new year, when you think about it, could happen at any second…  We just decided that we’d change the page of the calendar (well, the whole calendar for that matter) at the same time. Not exactly true, we have to keep time zones in mind not to fuck up the whole year changing process, but altogether, we just start a new day that gets a lot more attention and importance than it might have looked for.

I am not too much into resolutions. I do take them from time to time, but rarely in the rush of the 1st of January. Some I’ll grow to really get to later in the year, and some I have in mind before the holidays, and don’t see the importance to postpone until the crucial “D” day.

Why am I talking about New Year’s resolution when we are almost 2 weeks past New Year’s day? Good question! Shows you are paying attention!

Tonight I decided to give my bucket list a little revamping. I started it last year, and I like the concept. Ok, I hear some of you thinking “isn’t it sooooooo 2012?”

Answer to that very pertinent question: I couldn’t care less!

Last year I had my bucket list on a simple piece of paper… This year I’m going to make it a little more fun… I prepared little pieces of paper, and I will put all the separate things I really wish to do during my life in a jar.



Proof I am not just making this up 🙂

So I just have to find 2 little jars, one for my to-do list, and one for my done-deal papers. As I was going through my 2015 list during the holidays, I realized I had already made a few of my points come true… I saw Mew in concert, I tried speaking Danish with an actual Dane, I found a Danish teacher and brought my writing to a new level (I don’t write better, but I never thought I’d start a blog and actually get so “productive” on it)… Pretty cool!

So I might not have “New Year resolutions” per say, but I have this little handful of wishes to realize, and the freedom to add more along the way…

Can’t wait to see what 2016 will take from one jar to the next!

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