
Babettes gæstebud…

Last time I met with Lucas (made up name, I am tired of “my Danish tutor” or “my Danish teacher”), we talked about Babettes gæstebud, a Danish classic movie.

I didn’t know it was also a book, writen by Karen Blixen (Out of Africa… ringing a bell?). Lucas told me it was a very short novel, and buying it in French and Danish could be a fun exercise to try. (to read the books, of course… buying them shouldn’t be much of a challenge, unless I try to buy them in Danish, wish could cause some problem in a Montréal bookstore)

So here I am today, surfing around the net, to find my books. It seems a lot less easy than I had expected to do, but hey! life wouldn’t be as much fun if it were always easy.

While searching, I noticed that when I typed “le festin de Babette” on my browser, it suggested to add the keyword “Montréal” which looked odd to me. What could possibly be the link between Babette and my city? And I found a nice little coffee shop not too far from my apartment.


I can’t really comment on the Café itself, since I obviously never went there, but it sure looks like the perfect place for a lesson… All hygge and Denmark inspired… I put that on my list of places to visit in a near future 🙂



4 thoughts on “Babettes gæstebud…

  1. Are you thinking of teaching any classes in “Normal Blog Writing?”. If so, I would like to sign up. You seem to write a lot of them, while I write a lot of crazy, wacko ones! What is your secret? Is it my underarm deo, or what? You can tell me, we are almost, but not really friends! Aren’t we?

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