
The Danish Alps…

I will not try to play smart-ass with the Danish Alps… It is a serious subject that should be left for experts to talk about. But I think I have found a rare aerial photography taken during a major snowstorm years and years ago…


The picture is not clear, but it was a long while ago, when explorers didn’t have 3D full blast go-pro magical cameras… It is even surprising that there were planes back then…

I leave my loot here, hoping it might inspire some, or interest some others in the very mysterious Danish Alps…



3 thoughts on “The Danish Alps…

  1. Obviously a radar image. If you notice the radioscopic high ridges and obvious sepia tonation, it gives a clear indication of the highs and lows contained in the invisible layers below. I recall seeing similar images, from the first flybys of the planet, Venus. If this doesn’t quell the unjust rumors about the Danish Alps, then I’m afraid that nothing will. I can’t profess to possess a finer example of this type of stratigraphic disillusionment, so I deem you very lucky indeed.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. It is a funny thing, communicating in this way. There seems to be a lot of both said and unsaid things hidden in your blogs. A woman of mystery, as it were. You might just as well start writing your own blogs on the Danish Alps, then you could be even more mysterious!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. It is indeed a fun and funny thing to communicate this way… It is as intimate as talking by major baseball stadiums’ giant display screens… But it is still very special. I can’t beleive that less than 3 months ago, I didn’t even understand blogging, and just tried it to give my family and friends a break from my usual shenanigans LOL

      As for the Danish Alps blogs, I’ll stop here. I still have too much to learn from the master to start giving my opinion at large 🙂


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