
January 1st 2016, 21h



There are only 3 hours left to the first day of the year…

It was a pretty nice first day of the year, although I spent most of it at work. Since yesterday, my mind has been boggled about my “first day of the year” post. Problem is, I went on and read a lot of people’s posts, and one by one, they were taking angles that I had to forget unless I felt like playing copy-cat.

I am NOT a copy-cat!

So as the day went on, I thought “Hey! Stop reading people’s posts, or you’ll end up not having anyway to start 2016!!” So I went on and wrote my post about Jonas Bjerre….

Awww…   Jonas…

The thing is that I know myself. I knew if I plunged myself in the memory of that very exciting day, I would need to go listen to a few videos….  (Yeah, you see me coming, don’t you?) and I have this incredibly common disease called “Addiction to YouTube”. I keep myself far from it, but if I dip a toe, I am doomed.

Especially now with my brand new tablet…

And I have stuffed my face with hours of Jonas and Mew… New songs, old songs, live stuff, interviews, solo projects… The problem with YouTube, is that it won’t make you get fat (unless you don’t do ANYTHING else and fatten because you don’t move enough…. But I doubt that YouTube alone could be blamed in that case… I think that would probably be the Internet’s fault in general…) So there is no good reason to stop.

Anyway, I cannot think while listening to Jonas’ voice (seriously, I can’t) If you want to neutralize me, just crank up the volume and put some Mew on. I’ll either listen to the song, or I’ll do whatever I was supposed to do. (I’d put a 10$ on the song… but hey! I might surprise myself one of these days…)

Needless to say that my post didn’t go anywhere in the meanwhile, and I had to recollect myself.

I had a thought for Papa Bear. I hope his back is doing better! His past few posts were interesting, but totally back-wellness-uninformative. I had a thought for Papa Bear, because yesterday, in my preps for the big New Year’s Eve party (ok, supper and hanging out…) I prepared soup for my guests.

Soup heals everything. Body and soul. And it is a great way to get rid of the holiday feeling of “Oh-my-God-I-didn’t-think-so-much-food-could-fit-in -my-body!” It gives the impression of eating something light and healthy, and I am a professionnal of what is called, in French, a “touski”.

The recipe is terribly simple: let some oignon cook in a little bit of butter (because a soup would never be a soup without oignons). Add chicken or veggy broth (selfmade or bought) and then, add any veggy hiding in the fridge. (In French “tout ce qui traine dans le frigo” – touski!) The most important thing after that, is putting a lot of love in the pot. You can never add too much love…

Now you might think I am writing down this soup story just to lure Papa Bear… Because he is a master of soup himself. That would be incredibly shabby! I’d never do that. But now that I have a doubt you might have a doubt…. Here is proof!


So here is the last bowl of my New Year’s Eve Soup… At the office (notice the computer behind the bowl… that is office gear!!)  Pfewwww, I feel better now!

Ok, I have to focus now. How was 2015 for me?

Strangely, if I base my judging on my Facebook timeline, all my friends had a horrible year. I can’t complain too much about it. If it wasn’t of Cissy’s death, the whole year would have been pretty nice! But I am kind of shy to brag about it. (Even Cissy’s death had its good side, the arrival of Freja…)

New year’s resolutions? I’m not much into that. To say the truth, there is one thing I’d really like to achieve (don’t fall off your chair, it doesn’t have the weakest link to Denmark!!!!).

The 3 filters rule of Socrates… I would like to be able, everytime I feel the need to tell someone something I heard;

  1. to make sure the information is true.
  2. to make sure the information is something positive to share.
  3. to make sure the information is something usefull.

But that’s way too much job…

Maybe I’d like to do something with my writing… Write more… Not here, don’t worry! But try to step up to another level… Who knows? I have started translating a novel I wrote just for the fun of it for my Danish friend overseas. Maybe I could put some pieces of it here on my blog, to see if it is of any interest… I have a lot of time to think about it. This year even has an extra day, so sky is the limit!

Seems I don’t have much wisdom to pass on afterall on this first day of the year…  So I guess I’ll just wish all of you a great one. I wish you health, because everything else is just bonus. And I don’t usually wish people they have what they wish for, I prefer to wish people get what they need. Sometimes things happen, and we’re not really happy with life for them. But in the end, if things turn out to the best in a way you couldn’t have imagined…

Ok, just blabbing now… I’ll give you a break!


But not before adding this video. It is an unplugged version of a few songs from Mew. More a treat for me than you, but I can’t help it. It’s like catnip. Jonas has such a powerful voice on stage, it just amazes me how he gets to tame it for such refined versions….

3 thoughts on “January 1st 2016, 21h

  1. Another soup blog. I think, you should drop all of the love business and the dark this and that business, and write some serious soup blogs! Perhaps, you could start with a good Lentil Soup – a nice resolution for the new year!


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